gdal_viewshed - Calculates a viewshed raster from an input raster DEM
for a user defined point


gdal_viewshed [--help] [--help-general] [-b <band>]
[-a_nodata <value>] [-f <formatname>]
[-oz <observer_height>] [-tz <target_height>] [-md <max_distance>]
-ox <observer_x> -oy <observer_y>
[-vv <visibility>] [-iv <invisibility>]
[-ov <out_of_range>] [-cc <curvature_coef>]
[-os <observer_spacing>] [-j <relative job count>]
[-co <NAME>=<VALUE>]...
[-q] [-om <output mode>]
<src_filename> <dst_filename>


By default the gdal_viewshed generates a binary visibility raster
from one band of the input raster elevation model (DEM). The output
raster will be of type Byte. With the -mode flag can also return a
minimum visible height raster of type Float64.

The algorithm as implemented currently will only output meaningful
results if the georeferencing is in a projected coordinate
reference system.

--help Show this help message and exit

Gives a brief usage message for the generic GDAL commandline
options and exit.

-co <NAME>=<VALUE>
Many formats have one or more optional creation options that
can be used to control particulars about the file created. For
instance, the GeoTIFF driver supports creation options to
control compression, and whether the file should be tiled.

The creation options available vary by format driver, and some
simple formats have no creation options at all. A list of
options supported for a format can be listed with the
--formats command line option but the documentation for the
format is the definitive source of information on driver
creation options. See Raster drivers format specific
documentation for legal creation options for each format.

-b <band>
Select an input band band containing the DEM data. Bands are
numbered from 1. Only a single band can be used. Only the
part of the raster within the specified maximum distance
around the observer point is processed.

-a_nodata <value>
The value to be set for the cells in the output raster that
have no data.

Currently, no special processing of input cells at a nodata
value is done (which may result in erroneous results).

-ox <value>
The X position of the observer (in SRS units). If the
coordinate is outside of the raster, all space between the
observer and the raster is assumed not to occlude visibility
of the raster. (Not supported in cumulative mode.)

-oy <value>
The Y position of the observer (in SRS units). If the
coordinate is outside of the raster, all space between the
observer and the raster is assumed not to occlude visibility
of the raster. (Not supported in cumulative mode.)

-oz <value>
The height of the observer above the DEM surface in the height
unit of the DEM. Default: 2

-tz <value>
The height of the target above the DEM surface in the height
unit of the DEM. Default: 0

-md <value>
Maximum distance from observer to compute visibility. It is
also used to clamp the extent of the output raster. (Not
supported in cumulative mode)

-cc <value>
Coefficient to consider the effect of the curvature and
refraction. When calculating visibility between two points
(i.e. Line Of Sight or Viewshed), The magnitude of this effect
varies with atmospheric conditions and depends on the

Different applications for calculating visibility use
different interchangeable notation to describe this phenomena:
Refraction Coefficient, Curvature Coefficient, and Sphere
Diameter Factor. gdal_viewshed uses the Curvature Coefficient


Changes in air density curve the light downward causing an
observer to see further and the earth to appear less curved,
as if the sphere (earth) diameter is larger then it actually
is. The ratio between that imaginary sphere diameter and the
actual sphere diameter is given by the formula:


For visible light, the standard atmospheric refraction
coefficient that is generally used is 1/7. Thus the default
value (since GDAL 3.4) for CurvCoeff that gdal_viewshed uses
is 0.85714 (=~ 1-1/7) for Earth CRS. Starting with GDAL 3.6,
for non-Earth CRS (those whole semi-major axis differs by more
than 5% with the one of WGS 84), CurvCoeff default value is
1.0, to account for the no refraction use case.

The height of the DEM is corrected according to the following


Typical coefficient values are given in the table below (use
Curvature Coeff value for the cc option)

|Use Case | Refraction | Curvature Coeff | Sphere Diameter |
| | Coeff | | Factor |
|No Refraction | 0 | 1 | 1 |
|Visible Light | 1/7 | 6/7 (=~0.85714) | 7/6 (=~1.1666) |
|Radio Waves | 0.25 ~ 0.325 | 0.75 ~ 0.675 | 1.33 ~ 1.48 |
|Flat Earth | 1 | 0 | inf |

-iv <value>
Pixel value to set for invisible areas. (Not supported in
cumulative mode) Default: 0

-ov <value>
Pixel value to set for the cells that fall outside of the
range specified by the observer location and the maximum
distance. (Not supported in cumulative mode) Default: 0

-vv <value>
Pixel value to set for visible areas. (Not supported in
cumulative mode) Default: 255

-om <output mode>
Sets what information the output contains.

Possible values: NORMAL, DEM, GROUND, ACCUM

NORMAL returns a raster of type Byte containing visible

DEM and GROUND will return a raster of type Float64 containing
the minimum target height for target to be visible from the
DEM surface or ground level respectively. Flags -tz, -iv and
-vv will be ignored.

Cumulative (ACCUM) mode will create an eight bit raster the
same size as the input raster where each cell represents the
relative observability from a grid of observer points. See
the -os option.

Default NORMAL

-os <value>
Cell Spacing between observers (only supported in cumulative
mode) Default: 10

-j <value>
Relative number of jobs to run at once. (only supported in
cumulative mode) Default: 3


Functionality of this utility can be done from C with


Screenshot of 2 combined viewshed analysis, with the yellow pixels
showing the area that is visible from the both observation locations
(the green dots), while the small green area is only visible from one

Create a viewshed raster with a radius of 500 for a person standing
at location (-10147017, 5108065).

gdal_viewshed -md 500 -ox -10147017 -oy 5108065 source.tif destination.tif


Generating Viewsheds without Using Sightlines. Wang, Jianjun,
Robinson, Gary J., and White, Kevin. Photogrammetric Engineering
and Remote Sensing. p81.


Tamas Szekeres <>



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