goaccess(1) User Manuals goaccess(1)
goaccess - fast web log analyzer and interactive viewer.
goaccess [filename] [options...] [-c][-M][-H][-q][-d][...]DESCRIPTION
goaccess GoAccess is an open source real-time web log analyzer and
interactive viewer that runs in a
terminal in *nix systems or through
browser. It provides fast and valuable HTTP statistics for system
administrators that require a visual server report on the fly.
GoAccess parses the specified web log file and outputs the data to
the X terminal. Features include:
General Statistics:
This panel gives a summary of several metrics, such as the
number of valid and invalid requests, time taken to analyze
the dataset, unique visitors, requested files, static files
(CSS, ICO, JPG, etc) HTTP referrers, 404s, size of the parsed
log file and bandwidth consumption.
Unique visitors
This panel shows metrics such as hits, unique visitors and
cumulative bandwidth per date. HTTP requests containing the
same IP, the same date, and the same user agent are considered
a unique visitor. By default, it includes web
Optionally, date specificity can be set to the hour level
--date-spec=hr which will display dates such as
05/Jun/2016:16, or to the minute level producing
05/Jun/2016:16:59. This is great if you want to track your
daily traffic at the hour or minute level.
Requested files
This panel displays the most requested (non-static) files on
your web server. It shows hits, unique visitors, and
percentage, along with the cumulative bandwidth, protocol, and
the request method used.
Requested static files
Lists the most frequently static files such as: JPG, CSS, SWF,
JS, GIF, and PNG file types, along with the same metrics as
the last panel. Additional static files can be added to the
configuration file.
404 or Not Found
Displays the same metrics as the previous request panels,
however, its data contains all pages that were not found on
the server, or commonly known as 404 status code.
Hosts This panel has detailed information on the hosts themselves.
This is great for spotting aggressive crawlers and identifying
who's eating your bandwidth.
Expanding the panel can display more information such as
host's reverse DNS lookup result, country of origin and city.
If the
-a argument is enabled, a list of user agents can be
displayed by selecting the desired IP address, and then
pressing ENTER.
Operating Systems
This panel will report which operating system the host used
when it hit the server. It attempts to provide the most
specific version of each operating system.
This panel will report which browser the host used when it hit
the server. It attempts to provide the most specific version
of each browser.
Visit Times
This panel will display an hourly report. This option displays
24 data points, one for each hour of the day.
Optionally, hour specificity can be set to the tenth of an
hour level using
--hour-spec=min which will display hours as
16:4 This is great if you want to spot peaks of traffic on
your server.
Virtual Hosts
This panel will display all the different virtual hosts parsed
from the access log. This panel is displayed if
%v is used
within the log-format string.
Referrers URLs
If the host in question accessed the site via another
resource, or was linked/diverted to you from another host, the
URL they were referred from will be provided in this panel.
See `--ignore-panel` in your configuration file to enable it.
disabled by default.
Referring Sites
This panel will display only the host part but not the whole
URL. The URL where the request came from.
It reports keyphrases used on Google search, Google cache, and
Google translate that have lead to your web server. At
present, it only supports Google search queries via HTTP. See
`--ignore-panel` in your configuration file to enable it.
disabled by default.
Geo Location
Determines where an IP address is geographically located.
Statistics are broken down by continent and country. It needs
to be compiled with GeoLocation support.
HTTP Status Codes
The values of the numeric status code to HTTP requests.
ASN This panel displays ASN (Autonomous System Numbers) data for
GeoIP2 and legacy databases. Great for detecting malicious
traffic and blocking accordingly.
Remote User (HTTP authentication)
This is the userid of the person requesting the document as
determined by HTTP authentication. If the document is not
password protected, this part will be "-" just like the
previous one. This panel is not enabled unless
%e is given
within the log-format variable.
Cache Status
If you are using caching on your server, you may be at the
point where you want to know if your request is being cached
and served from the cache. This panel shows the cache status
of the object the server served. This panel is not enabled
%C is given within the log-format variable. The status
can be either
MIME Types
This panel specifies Media Types (formerly known as MIME
types) and Media Subtypes which will be assigned and listed
underneath. This panel is not enabled unless
%M is given
within the log-format variable. See
for more details.
Encryption Settings
This panel shows the SSL/TLS protocol used along the Cipher
Suites. This panel is not enabled unless
%K is given within
the log-format variable.
NOTE: Optionally and if configured, all panels can display the
average time taken to serve the request.
There are three storage options that can be used with GoAccess.
Choosing one will depend on your environment and needs.
Default Hash Tables
In-memory storage provides better performance at the cost of
limiting the dataset size to the amount of available physical
memory. GoAccess uses in-memory hash tables. It has very good
memory usage and pretty good performance. This storage has
support for on-disk persistence.
Multiple options can be used to configure GoAccess. For a complete
up-to-date list of configure options, run
./configure --help --enable-debug Compile with debugging symbols and turn off compiler
--enable-utf8 Compile with wide character support. Ncursesw is required.
--enable-geoip=<legacy|mmdb> Compile with GeoLocation support. MaxMind's GeoIP is required.
legacy will utilize the original GeoIP databases.
mmdb will
utilize the enhanced GeoIP2 databases.
--with-getline Dynamically expands line buffer in order to parse full line
requests instead of using a fixed size buffer of 4096.
--with-openssl Compile GoAccess with OpenSSL support for its WebSocket
The following options can be supplied to the command or specified in
the configuration file. If specified in the configuration file, long
options need to be used without prepending -- and without using the
equal sign =.
LOG/DATE/TIME FORMAT --time-format=<timeformat> The time-format variable followed by a space, specifies the
log format time containing either a name of a predefined
format (see options below) or any combination of regular
characters and special format specifiers.
They all begin with a percentage (%) sign. See `man strftime`.
%T or %H:%M:%S. Note that if a timestamp is given in microseconds,
%f must be
used as time-format. If the timestamp is given in
%* must be used as time-format.
--date-format=<dateformat> The date-format variable followed by a space, specifies the
log format time containing either a name of a predefined
format (see options below) or any combination of regular
characters and special format specifiers.
They all begin with a percentage (%) sign. See `man strftime`.
%Y-%m-%d. Note that if a timestamp is given in microseconds,
%f must be
used as date-format. If the timestamp is given in
%* must be used as date-format.
--datetime-format=<date_time_format> The date and time format combines the two variables into a
single option. This gives the ability to get the timezone from
a request and convert it to another timezone for output. See
--tz=<timezone> They all begin with a percentage (%) sign. See `man strftime`.
%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z. Note that if --datetime-format is used,
%x must be passed in
the log-format variable to represent the date and time field.
--log-format=<logformat> The log-format variable followed by a space or
\t for tab-
delimited, specifies the log format string.
Note that if there are spaces within the format, the string
needs to be enclosed in single/double quotes. Inner quotes
need to be escaped.
In addition to specifying the raw log/date/time formats, for
simplicity, any of the following predefined log format names
can be supplied to the log/date/time-format variables.
GoAccess can also handle one predefined name in one variable
and another predefined name in another variable.
COMBINED - Combined Log Format,
VCOMBINED - Combined Log Format with Virtual Host,
COMMON - Common Log Format,
VCOMMON - Common Log Format with Virtual Host,
W3C - W3C Extended Log File Format,
SQUID - Native Squid Log Format,
CLOUDFRONT - Amazon CloudFront Web Distribution,
CLOUDSTORAGE - Google Cloud Storage,
AWSELB - Amazon Elastic Load Balancing,
AWSS3 - Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
AWSALB - Amazon Application Load Balancer
CADDY - Caddy's JSON Structured format
TRAEFIKCLF - Traefik's CLF flavor
Note: Piping data into GoAccess won't prompt a log/date/time
configuration dialog, you will need to previously define it in
your configuration file or in the command line.
-c --config-dialog Prompt log/time/date configuration window on program start.
Only when curses is initialized.
-i --hl-header Color highlight active terminal panel.
-m --with-mouse Enable mouse support on main terminal dashboard.
---color=<fg:bg[attrs, PANEL]> Specify custom colors for the terminal output.
Color Syntax DEFINITION space/tab colorFG#:colorBG# [attributes,PANEL]
FG# = foreground color [-1...255] (-1 = default term color)
BG# = background color [-1...255] (-1 = default term color)
Optionally, it is possible to apply color attributes (multiple
attributes are comma separated), such as:
bold, underline, normal, reverse, blink If desired, it is possible to apply custom colors per panel,
that is, a metric in the REQUESTS panel can be of color A,
while the same metric in the BROWSERS panel can be of color B.
Available color definitions: COLOR_MTRC_HITS
See configuration file for a sample color scheme.
--color-scheme=<1|2|3> Choose among color schemes.
1 for the default grey scheme.
2 for the green scheme.
3 for the Monokai scheme (shown only if
terminal supports 256 colors).
--crawlers-only Parse and display only crawlers (bots).
--html-custom-css=<path/custom.css> Specifies a custom CSS file path to load in the HTML report.
--html-custom-js=<path/custom.js> Specifies a custom JS file path to load in the HTML report.
--html-report-title=<title> Set HTML report page title and header.
--html-refresh=<secs> Refresh the HTML report every X seconds. The value has to be
between 1 and 60 seconds. The default is set to refresh the
HTML report every 1 second.
--html-prefs=<JSON> Set HTML report default preferences. Supply a valid JSON
object containing the HTML preferences. It allows the ability
to customize each panel plot. See example below.
Note: The JSON object passed needs to be a one line JSON
string. For instance,
--json-pretty-print Format JSON output using tabs and newlines.
Note: This is not recommended when outputting a real-time HTML
report since the WebSocket payload will much much larger.
--max-items=<number> The maximum number of items to display per panel. The maximum
can be a number between 1 and n.
Note: Only the CSV and JSON output allow a maximum number
greater than the default value of 366 (or 50 in the real-time
HTML output) items per panel.
--no-color Turn off colored output. This is the default output on
terminals that do not support colors.
--no-column-names Don't write column names in the terminal output. By default,
it displays column names for each available metric in every
--no-csv-summary Disable summary metrics on the CSV output.
--no-progress Disable progress metrics [total requests/requests per second].
--no-tab-scroll Disable scrolling through panels when TAB is pressed or when a
panel is selected using a numeric key.
--no-html-last-updated Do not show the last updated field displayed in the HTML
generated report.
--no-parsing-spinner Do now show the progress metrics and parsing spinner.
--tz=<timezone> Outputs the report date/time data in the given timezone. Note
that it uses the canonical timezone name. e.g.,
Europe/Berlin or
America/Chicago or
Africa/Cairo If an invalid timezone name
is given, the output will be in GMT. See
--datetime-format in
order to properly specify a timezone in the date/time format.
Note This is just a WebSocket server to provide the raw real-time
data. It is not a WebServer itself. To access your reports html
file, you will still need your own HTTP server, place the generated
report in it's document root dir and open the html file in your
browser. The browser will then open another WebSocket-connection to
the ws-server you may setup here, to keep the dashboard up-to-date.
--addr Specify IP address to bind the server to. Otherwise it binds
Usually there is no need to specify the address, unless you
intentionally would like to bind the server to a different
address within your server.
--daemonize Run GoAccess as daemon (only if
--real-time-html enabled). Note: It's important to make use of absolute paths across
GoAccess' configuration.
--user-name=<username> Run GoAccess as the specified user.
Note: It's important to ensure the user or the users' group
can access the input and output files as well as any other
files needed. Other groups the user belongs to will be
ignored. As such it's advised to run GoAccess behind a SSL
proxy as it's unlikely this user can access the SSL
--origin=<url> Ensure clients send the specified origin header upon the
WebSocket handshake.
--pid-file=<path/goaccess.pid> Write the daemon PID to a file when used along the --daemonize
--port=<port> Specify the port to use. By default GoAccess' WebSocket server
listens on port 7890.
--real-time-html Enable real-time HTML output.
GoAccess uses its own WebSocket server to push the data from
the server to the client. See http://gwsocket.io for more
details how the WebSocket server works.
--ws-url=<[scheme://]url[:port]> URL to which the WebSocket server responds. This is the URL
supplied to the WebSocket constructor on the client side.
Optionally, it is possible to specify the WebSocket URI
scheme, such as
ws:// or
wss:// for unencrypted and encrypted
connections. e.g.,
wss://goaccess.io If GoAccess is running behind a proxy, you could set the
client side to connect to a different port by specifying the
host followed by a colon and the port. e.g.,
goaccess.io:9999 By default, it will attempt to connect to the generated
report's hostname. If GoAccess is running on a remote server,
the host of the remote server should be specified here. Also,
make sure it is a valid host and NOT an http address.
--ping-interval=<secs> Enable WebSocket ping with specified interval in seconds. This
helps prevent idle connections getting disconnected.
--fifo-in=<path/file> Creates a named pipe (FIFO) that reads from on the given
--fifo-out=<path/file> Creates a named pipe (FIFO) that writes to the given
--ssl-cert=<cert.crt> Path to TLS/SSL certificate. In order to enable TLS/SSL
support, GoAccess requires that --ssl-cert and --ssl-key are
Only if configured using --with-openssl
--ssl-key=<priv.key> Path to TLS/SSL private key. In order to enable TLS/SSL
support, GoAccess requires that --ssl-cert and --ssl-key are
Only if configured using --with-openssl
- The log file to parse is read from stdin.
-f --log-file=<logfile> Specify the path to the input log file. If set in the config
file, it will take priority over -f from the command line.
-S --log-size=<bytes> Specify the log size in bytes. This is useful when piping in
logs for processing in which the log size can be explicitly
-l --debug-file=<debugfile> Send all debug messages to the specified file.
-p --config-file=<configfile> Specify a custom configuration file to use. If set, it will
take priority over the global configuration file (if any).
--external-assets Output HTML assets to external JS/CSS files. Great if you are
setting up Content Security Policy (CSP). This will create two
separate files,
goaccess.js and
goaccess.css , in the same
directory as your report.html file.
--invalid-requests=<filename> Log invalid requests to the specified file.
--unknowns-log=<filename> Log unknown browsers and OSs to the specified file.
--no-global-config Do not load the global configuration file. This directory
should normally be /usr/local/etc, unless specified with
--sysconfdir=/dir. See --dcf option for finding the default
configuration file.
-a --agent-list Enable a list of user-agents by host. For faster parsing, do
not enable this flag.
-d --with-output-resolver Enable IP resolver on HTML|JSON output.
-e --exclude-ip=<IP|IP-range> Exclude an IPv4 or IPv6 from being counted. Applicable solely
during access log data processing, it does not exclude
persisted data. Ranges can be included as well using a dash
in between the IPs (start-end).
Examples: exclude-ip
exclude-ip ::1
exclude-ip 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:808:804-0:0:0:0:0:ffff:808:808
-j --jobs=<1-6> This specifies the number of parallel processing threads to be
used during the execution of the program. It determines the
degree of concurrency when analyzing log data, allowing for
parallel processing of multiple tasks simultaneously. It
defaults to 1 thread. It's common to set the number of jobs
based on the available hardware resources, such as the number
of CPU cores.
-H --http-protocol=<yes|no> Set/unset HTTP request protocol. This will create a request
key containing the request protocol + the actual request.
-M --http-method=<yes|no> Set/unset HTTP request method. This will create a request key
containing the request method + the actual request.
-o --output=<path/file.[json|csv|html]> Write output to stdout given one of the following files and
the corresponding extension for the output format:
/path/file.csv - Comma-separated values (CSV)
/path/file.json - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
/path/file.html - HTML
-q --no-query-string Ignore request's query string. i.e.,
www.google.com/page.htm?query => www.google.com/page.htm.
Note: Removing the query string can greatly decrease memory
consumption, especially on timestamped requests.
-r --no-term-resolver Disable IP resolver on terminal output.
--444-as-404 Treat non-standard status code 444 as 404.
--4xx-to-unique-count Add 4xx client errors to the unique visitors count.
--anonymize-ip Anonymize the client IP address. The IP anonymization option
sets the last octet of IPv4 user IP addresses and the last 80
bits of IPv6 addresses to zeros. e.g., => e.g., 2a03:2880:2110:df07:face:b00c::1 =>
Note: This deactivates -a.
--chunk-size=<256-32768> This determines the number of lines that form a chunk. This
parameter influences the size of the data processed
concurrently by each thread, allowing for parallelization of
the file reading and processing tasks. The value of chunk-size
affects the efficiency of the parallel processing and can be
adjusted based on factors such as system resources and the
characteristics of the input data.
Low Values: If chunk-size is set too low, it might result in
inefficient processing. For instance, if each chunk contains a
very small number of lines, the overhead of managing and
coordinating parallel processing might outweigh the benefits.
Large Values: Conversely, if chunk-size is set too high, it
could lead to resource exhaustion. Each chunk represents a
portion of data that a thread processes in parallel. Setting
chunk-size to an excessively large value might cause memory
issues, particularly if there are many parallel threads
running simultaneously.
--anonymize-level Specifies the anonymization levels: 1 => default, 2 => strong,
3 => pedantic.
Bits-hidden |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
|IPv4 | 8 | 16 | 24 |
|IPv6 | 64 | 80 | 96 |
--all-static-files Include static files that contain a query string. e.g.,
--browsers-file=<path> By default GoAccess parses an "essential/basic" curated list
of browsers & crawlers. If you need to add additional
browsers, use this option. Include an additional delimited
list of browsers/crawlers/feeds etc. See config/browsers.list
for an example or
--date-spec=<date|hr|min> Set the date specificity to either date (default), hr to
display hours or min to display minutes appended to the date.
This is used in the visitors panel. It's useful for tracking
visitors at the hour level. For instance, an hour specificity
would yield to display traffic as 18/Dec/2010:19 or minute
specificity 18/Dec/2010:19:59.
--double-decode Decode double-encoded values. This includes, user-agent,
request, and referrer.
--enable-panel=<PANEL> Enable parsing and displaying the given panel.
Available panels: VISITORS
--fname-as-vhost=<regex> Use log filename(s) as virtual host(s). POSIX regex is passed
to extract the virtual host from the filename. e.g.,
--fname-as-vhost='[a-z]*.[a-z]*' can be used to extract
awesome.com.log => awesome.com.
--hide-referrer=<NEEDLE> Hide a referrer but still count it. Wild cards are allowed in
the needle. i.e., *.bing.com.
--hour-spec=<hr|min> Set the time specificity to either hour (default) or min to
display the tenth of an hour appended to the hour.
This is used in the time distribution panel. It's useful for
tracking peaks of traffic on your server at specific times.
--ignore-crawlers Ignore crawlers from being counted.
--unknowns-as-crawlers Classify unknown OS and browsers as crawlers.
--ignore-panel=<PANEL> Ignore parsing and displaying the given panel.
Available panels: VISITORS
--ignore-referrer=<referrer> Ignore referrers from being counted. Wildcards allowed. e.g.,
*.domain.com ww?.domain.* --ignore-statics=<req|panel> Ignore static file requests.
req Only ignore request from valid requests
panels Ignore request from panels.
Note that it will count them towards the total number of
--ignore-status=<CODE> Ignore parsing and displaying one or multiple status code(s).
For multiple status codes, use this option multiple times.
--keep-last=<num_days> Keep the last specified number of days in storage. This will
recycle the storage tables. e.g., keep & show only the last 7
--no-ip-validation Disable client IP validation. Useful if IP addresses have been
obfuscated before being logged. The log still needs to
contain a placeholder for
%h usually it's a resolved IP. e.g.
ord37s19-in-f14.1e100.net. --no-strict-status Disable HTTP status code validation. Some servers would record
this value only if a connection was established to the target
and the target sent a response. Otherwise, it could be
recorded as -.
--num-tests=<number> Number of lines from the access log to test against the
provided log/date/time format. By default, the parser is set
to test 10 lines. If set to 0, the parser won't test any lines
and will parse the whole access log. If a line matches the
given log/date/time format before it reaches
<number>, the
parser will consider the log to be valid, otherwise GoAccess
will return EXIT_FAILURE and display the relevant error
--process-and-exit Parse log and exit without outputting data. Useful if we are
looking to only add new data to the on-disk database without
outputting to a file or a terminal.
--real-os Display real OS names. e.g, Windows XP, Snow Leopard.
--sort-panel=<PANEL,FIELD,ORDER> Sort panel on initial load. Sort options are separated by
comma. Options are in the form: PANEL,METRIC,ORDER
Available metrics: BY_HITS - Sort by hits
BY_VISITORS - Sort by unique visitors
BY_DATA - Sort by data
BY_BW - Sort by bandwidth
BY_AVGTS - Sort by average time served
BY_CUMTS - Sort by cumulative time served
BY_MAXTS - Sort by maximum time served
BY_PROT - Sort by http protocol
BY_MTHD - Sort by http method
Available orders: ASC
--static-file=<extension> Add static file extension. e.g.:
.mp3 Extensions are case
-g --std-geoip Standard GeoIP database for less memory usage.
--geoip-database=<geofile> Specify path to GeoIP database file. i.e., GeoLiteCity.dat.
If using GeoIP2, you will need to download the GeoLite2 City
or Country database from MaxMind.com and use the option
--geoip-database to specify the database. You can also get
updated database files for GeoIP legacy, you can find these as
GeoLite Legacy Databases from MaxMind.com. IPv4 and IPv6 files
are supported as well. For updated DB URLs, please see the
default GoAccess configuration file.
Note: --geoip-city-data is an alias of --geoip-database.
-h --help The help.
-s --storage Display current storage method. i.e., B+ Tree, Hash.
-V --version Display version information and exit.
--dcf Display the path of the default config file when `-p` is not
--persist Persist parsed data into disk. If database files exist, files
will be overwritten. This should be set to the first dataset.
See examples below.
--restore Load previously stored data from disk. If reading persisted
data only, the database files need to exist. See
--persist and
examples below.
--db-path=<dir> Path where the on-disk database files are stored. The default
value is the
/tmp directory.
CUSTOM LOG/DATE FORMAT GoAccess can parse virtually any web log format.
Predefined options include, Common Log Format (CLF), Combined Log
Format (XLF/ELF), including virtual host, Amazon CloudFront (Download
Distribution), Google Cloud Storage and W3C format (IIS).
GoAccess allows any custom format string as well.
There are two ways to configure the log format. The easiest is to
run GoAccess with
-c to prompt a configuration window. Otherwise, it
can be configured under ~/.goaccessrc or the %sysconfdir%.
time-format variable followed by a space, specifies the
log format time containing any combination of regular
characters and special format specifiers. They all begin with
a percentage (%) sign. See `man strftime`.
%T or %H:%M:%S. Note: If a timestamp is given in microseconds,
%f must be used
time-format or
%* if the timestamp is given in
date-format variable followed by a space, specifies the
log format date containing any combination of regular
characters and special format specifiers. They all begin with
a percentage (%) sign. See `man strftime`. e.g.,
%Y-%m-%d. Note: If a timestamp is given in microseconds,
%f must be used
date-format or
%* if the timestamp is given in
log-format variable followed by a space or
\t , specifies
the log format string.
%x A date and time field matching the
time-format and
date-format variables. This is used when given a timestamp or the date &
time are concatenated as a single string (e.g., 1501647332 or
20170801235000) instead of the date and time being in two
separated variables.
%t time field matching the
time-format variable.
%d date field matching the
date-format variable.
%v The canonical Server Name of the server serving the request
(Virtual Host).
%e This is the userid of the person requesting the document as
determined by HTTP authentication.
%C The cache status of the object the server served.
%h host (the client IP address, either IPv4 or IPv6)
%r The request line from the client. This requires specific
delimiters around the request (as single quotes, double
quotes, or anything else) to be parsable. If not, we have to
use a combination of special format specifiers as %m %U %H.
%q The query string.
%m The request method.
%U The URL path requested.
Note: If the query string is in %U, there is no need to use
%q. However, if the URL path, does not include any query
string, you may use
%q and the query string will be appended
to the request.
%H The request protocol.
%s The status code that the server sends back to the client.
%b The size of the object returned to the client.
%R The "Referrer" HTTP request header.
%u The user-agent HTTP request header.
%K The TLS encryption settings chosen for the connection. (In
Apache LogFormat: %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x)
%k The TLS encryption settings chosen for the connection. (In
Apache LogFormat: %{SSL_CIPHER}x)
%M The MIME-type of the requested resource. (In Apache LogFormat:
%D The time taken to serve the request, in microseconds as a
decimal number.
%T The time taken to serve the request, in seconds with
milliseconds resolution.
%L The time taken to serve the request, in milliseconds as a
decimal number.
%n The time taken to serve the request, in nanoseconds.
%^ Ignore this field.
%~ Move forward through the log string until a non-space
(!isspace) char is found.
~h The host (the client IP address, either IPv4 or IPv6) in a X-
Forwarded-For (XFF) field.
It uses a special specifier which consists of a tilde before
the host specifier, followed by the character(s) that delimit
the XFF field, which are enclosed by curly braces. i.e., "~h{,
For example, "~h{, }" is used in order to parse "," field which is delimited by a comma and a space
(enclosed by double quotes).
XFF field |
specifier |
|", | "~h{, }" |
|," | |
|"", "" | ~h{", } |
|, | ~h{, } |
| | ~h{ } |
Note: In order to get the average, cumulative and maximum time served
in GoAccess, you will need to start logging response times in your
web server. In Nginx you can add
$request_time to your log format, or
%D in Apache.
Important: If multiple time served specifiers are used at the same
time, the first option specified in the format string will take
priority over the other specifiers.
requires the following fields:
%h a valid IPv4/6
%d a valid date
%r the request
F1 or h
Main help.
F5 Redraw main window.
q Quit the program, current window or collapse active module
o or ENTER
Expand selected module or open window
0-9 and Shift + 0
Set selected module to active
j Scroll down within expanded module
k Scroll up within expanded module
c Set or change scheme color.
TAB Forward iteration of modules. Starts from current active
Backward iteration of modules. Starts from current active
^f Scroll forward one screen within an active module.
^b Scroll backward one screen within an active module.
s Sort options for active module
/ Search across all modules (regex allowed)
n Find the position of the next occurrence across all modules.
g Move to the first item or top of screen.
G Move to the last item or bottom of screen.
Note: Piping data into GoAccess won't prompt a log/date/time
configuration dialog, you will need to previously define it in your
configuration file or in the command line.
To output to a terminal and generate an interactive report:
# goaccess access.log
To generate an HTML report:
# goaccess access.log -a -o report.html
To generate a JSON report:
# goaccess access.log -a -d -o report.json
To generate a CSV file:
# goaccess access.log --no-csv-summary -o report.csv
GoAccess also allows great flexibility for real-time filtering and
parsing. For instance, to quickly diagnose issues by monitoring logs
since goaccess was started:
# tail -f access.log | goaccess -
And even better, to filter while maintaining opened a pipe to
preserve real-time analysis, we can make use of
tail -f and a
matching pattern tool such as
grep, awk, sed, etc:
# tail -f access.log | grep -i --line-buffered 'firefox' |
goaccess --log-format=COMBINED -
or to parse from the beginning of the file while maintaining the pipe
opened and applying a filter
# tail -f -n +0 access.log | grep -i --line-buffered 'firefox'
| goaccess --log-format=COMBINED -o report.html --real-time-
html -
or to convert the log date timezone to a different timezone, e.g.,
# goaccess access.log --log-format='%h %^[%x] "%r" %s %b "%R"
"%u"' --datetime-format='%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z'
--tz=Europe/Berlin --date-spec=min
There are several ways to parse multiple logs with GoAccess. The
simplest is to pass multiple log files to the command line:
# goaccess access.log access.log.1
It's even possible to parse files from a pipe while reading regular
# cat access.log.2 | goaccess access.log access.log.1 -
Note that the single dash is appended to the command line to let
GoAccess know that it should read from the pipe.
Now if we want to add more flexibility to GoAccess, we can do a
series of pipes. For instance, if we would like to process all
compressed log files
access.log.*.gz in addition to the current log
file, we can do:
# zcat access.log.*.gz | goaccess access.log -
Note: On Mac OS X, use gunzip -c instead of zcat.
GoAccess has the ability to output real-time data in the HTML report.
You can even email the HTML file since it is composed of a single
file with no external file dependencies, how neat is that!
The process of generating a real-time HTML report is very similar to
the process of creating a static report. Only --real-time-html is
needed to make it real-time.
# goaccess access.log -o
/usr/share/nginx/html/site/report.html --real-time-html
By default, GoAccess will use the host name of the generated report.
Optionally, you can specify the URL to which the client's browser
will connect to. See https://goaccess.io/faq for a more detailed
# goaccess access.log -o report.html --real-time-html --ws-
By default, GoAccess listens on port 7890, to use a different port
other than 7890, you can specify it as (make sure the port is
# goaccess access.log -o report.html --real-time-html
And to bind the WebSocket server to a different address other than, you can specify it as:
# goaccess access.log -o report.html --real-time-html
Note: To output real time data over a TLS/SSL connection, you need to
--ssl-cert=<cert.crt> and
--ssl-key=<priv.key>. WORKING WITH DATES
Another useful pipe would be filtering dates out of the web log
The following will get all HTTP requests starting on 05/Dec/2010
until the end of the file.
# sed -n '/05Dec2010/,$ p' access.log | goaccess -a -
or using relative dates such as yesterdays or tomorrows day:
# sed -n '/'$(date '+%d%b%Y' -d '1 week ago')'/,$ p'
access.log | goaccess -a -
If we want to parse only a certain time-frame from DATE a to DATE b,
we can do:
# sed -n '/5Nov2010/,/5Dec2010/ p' access.log | goaccess -a -
If we want to preserve only certain amount of data and recycle
storage, we can keep only a certain number of days. For instance to
keep & show the last 5 days:
# goaccess access.log --keep-last=5
Assuming your log contains the virtual host (server blocks) field.
For instance:
vhost.com:80 - - [02/Mar/2016:08:14:04 -0600]
"GET /shop/bag-p-20 HTTP/1.1" 200 6715 "-" "Apache (internal
dummy connection)"
And you would like to append the virtual host to the request in order
to see which virtual host the top urls belong to
awk '$8=$1$8' access.log | goaccess -a -
To exclude a list of virtual hosts you can do the following:
# grep -v "`cat exclude_vhost_list_file`" vhost_access.log |
goaccess -
FILES & STATUS CODES To parse specific pages, e.g., page views, html, htm, php, etc.
within a request:
# awk '$7~/.html|.htm|.php/' access.log | goaccess -
$7 is the request field for the common and combined log format,
(without Virtual Host), if your log includes Virtual Host, then you
probably want to use
$8 instead. It's best to check which field you
are shooting for, e.g.:
# tail -10 access.log | awk '{print $8}'
Or to parse a specific status code, e.g., 500 (Internal Server
# awk '$9~/500/' access.log | goaccess -
Also, it is worth pointing out that if we want to run GoAccess at
lower priority, we can run it as:
# nice -n 19 goaccess -f access.log -a
and if you don't want to install it on your server, you can still run
it from your local machine:
# ssh -n root@server 'tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log' |
goaccess -
Note: SSH requires
-n so GoAccess can read from stdin. Also, make
sure to use SSH keys for authentication as it won't work if a
passphrase is required.
GoAccess has the ability to process logs incrementally through its
internal storage and dump its data to disk. It works in the following
1 A dataset must be persisted first with
--persist, then the same
dataset can be loaded with
--restore. If new data is passed (piped or through a log file),
it will append it to the original dataset.
GoAccess keeps track of inodes of all the files processed (assuming
files will stay on the same partition), in addition, it extracts a
snippet of data from the log along with the last line parsed of each
file and the timestamp of the last line parsed. e.g.,
First it compares if the snippet matches the log being parsed, if it
does, it assumes the log hasn't changed dramatically, e.g., hasn't
been truncated. If the inode does not match the current file, it
parses all lines. If the current file matches the inode, it then
reads the remaining lines and updates the count of lines parsed and
the timestamp. As an extra precaution, it won't parse log lines with
a timestamp <= than the one stored.
Piped data works based off the timestamp of the last line read. For
instance, it will parse and discard all incoming entries until it
finds a timestamp >= than the one stored.
For instance:
// last month access log
# goaccess access.log.1 --persist
then, load it with
// append this month access log, and preserve new data
# goaccess access.log --restore --persist
To read persisted data only (without parsing new data)
# goaccess --restore
Each active panel has a total of 366 items or 50 in the real-time
HTML report. The number of items is customizable using
max-items Note that HTML, CSV and JSON output allow a maximum number greater
than the default value of 366 items per panel.
A hit is a request (line in the access log), e.g., 10 requests = 10
hits. HTTP requests with the same IP, date, and user agent are
considered a unique visit.
If you want to enable dual-stack support, please use
--addr=:: instead of the default
--addr= The generated report will attempt to reconnect to the WebSocket
server after 1 second with exponential backoff. It will attempt to
connect 20 times.
If you think you have found a bug, please send me an email to
goaccess@prosoftcorp.com or use the issue tracker in
Gerardo Orellana <hello@goaccess.io> For more details about it, or
new releases, please visit https://goaccess.io
GNU+Linux FEBRUARY 2024 goaccess(1)