Shell(library call) Shell(library call)
Shell -- The Shell widget class
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>
Shell is a top-level widget (with only one managed child) that
encapsulates the interaction with the window manager.
At the time the shell's child is managed, the child's width is used
for both widgets if the shell is unrealized and no width has been
specified for the shell. Otherwise, the shell's width is used for
both widgets. The same relations hold for the height of the shell and
its child.
Shell inherits behavior and resources from
Composite and
The class pointer is
The class name is
New Resources
The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the
programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource
values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget.
To reference a resource by name or by class in a
.Xdefaults file,
remove the
XmN or
XmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To
specify one of the defined values for a resource in a
.Xdefaults file, remove the
Xm prefix and use the remaining letters (in either
lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words).
The codes in the access column indicate if the given resource can be
set at creation time (C), set by using
XtSetValues (S), retrieved by
XtGetValues (G), or is not applicable (N/A).
Shell Resource Set |
Name |
Class |
Type |
Default |
Access |
|XmNallowShellResize | XmCAllowShellResize | Boolean | False | CG |
|XmNcreatePopupChildProc | XmCCreatePopupChildProc | XtCreatePopupChildProc | NULL | CSG |
|XmNgeometry | XmCGeometry | String | NULL | CSG |
|XmNoverrideRedirect | XmCOverrideRedirect | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNpopdownCallback | XmCCallback | XtCallbackList | NULL | C |
|XmNpopupCallback | XmCCallback | XtCallbackList | NULL | C |
|XmNsaveUnder | XmCSaveUnder | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNvisual | XmCVisual | Visual * | CopyFromParent | CSG |
XmNallowShellResize Specifies that if this resource is False, the Shell widget
instance returns
XtGeometryNo to all geometry requests from
its children. All Motif convenience create dialog
functions override this default value and set
XmNallowShellResize to True.
XmNcreatePopupChildProc Specifies the pointer to a function that is called when the
Shell widget instance is popped up by
XtPopup. The
function creates the child widget when the shell is popped
up instead of when the application starts up. This can be
used if the child needs to be reconfigured each time the
shell is popped up. The function takes one argument, the
popup shell, and returns no result. It is called after the
popup callbacks specified by
XmNgeometry Specifies the desired geometry for the widget instance.
This resource is examined only when the widget instance is
unrealized and the number of its managed children is
changed. It is used to change the values of the
XmNwidth, and
XmNheight resources. When
XtGetValues is
called on this resource, the returned value is a pointer to
the actual resource value and should not be freed. In
addition, this resource is not copied on creation or by
XtSetValues. The application must ensure that the string
remains valid until the shell is realized.
XmNoverrideRedirect If True, specifies that the widget instance is a temporary
window that should be ignored by the window manager.
Applications and users should not normally alter this
XmNpopdownCallback Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the
widget instance is popped down by
XmNpopupCallback Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when the
widget instance is popped up by
XtPopup. The second
argument to
XtPopup must be
XmNsaveUnder If True, specifies that it is desirable to save the
contents of the screen beneath this widget instance,
avoiding expose events when the instance is unmapped. This
is a hint, and an implementation may save contents whenever
it desires, including always or never.
XmNvisual Specifies the visual used in creating the widget.
Inherited Resources
Shell inherits behavior and resources from the superclass described
in the following table. For a complete description of each resource,
refer to the reference page for that superclass.
Composite Resource Set |
Name |
Class |
Type |
Default |
Access |
|XmNchildren | XmCReadOnly | WidgetList | NULL | G |
|XmNinsertPosition | XmCInsertPosition | XtOrderProc | NULL | CSG |
|XmNnumChildren | XmCReadOnly | Cardinal | 0 | G |
Core Resource Set |
Name |
Class |
Type |
Default |
Access |
|XmNaccelerators | XmCAccelerators | XtAccelerators | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNancestorSensitive | XmCSensitive | Boolean | dynamic | G |
|XmNbackground | XmCBackground | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNbackgroundPixmap | XmCPixmap | Pixmap | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG |
|XmNborderColor | XmCBorderColor | Pixel | XtDefaultForeground | CSG |
|XmNborderPixmap | XmCPixmap | Pixmap | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG |
|XmNborderWidth | XmCBorderWidth | Dimension | 0 | CSG |
|XmNcolormap | XmCColormap | Colormap | dynamic | CG |
|XmNdepth | XmCDepth | int | dynamic | CG |
|XmNdestroyCallback | XmCCallback | XtCallbackList | NULL | C |
|XmNheight | XmCHeight | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNinitialResourcesPersistent | XmCInitialResourcesPersistent | Boolean | True | C |
|XmNmappedWhenManaged | XmCMappedWhenManaged | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNscreen | XmCScreen | Screen * | dynamic | CG |
|XmNsensitive | XmCSensitive | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNtranslations | XmCTranslations | XtTranslations | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNwidth | XmCWidth | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNx | XmCPosition | Position | 0 | CSG |
|XmNy | XmCPosition | Position | 0 | CSG |
There are no translations for Shell.
Composite(3) and
Shell(library call)