XmComboBox(library call) XmComboBox(library call)
XmComboBox -- The ComboBox widget class
#include <Xm/ComboBox.h>
XmComboBox combines the capabilities of a single-line TextField
widget and a List widget. It allows users to perform opoerations like
typing and pasting information, and it also provides a list of
possible choices that the user can select from to complete the
TextField entry field. The list can either be displayed at all times
or can be dropped down by the user. When the list portion of the
ComboBox is hidden, users are given a visual cue (a downward-pointing
arrow) next to the TextField field. The position of the arrow
relative to the TextField field depends on the
XmNlayoutDirection resource of the widget. This version of the ComboBox is called the
"drop-down" ComboBox. Drop-down ComboBoxes are useful when screen
space is limited, or when users will complete the text entry field
more often by typing text than by selecting the entry field text from
the list. The user can access the drop-down ComboBox in either one
of two ways:
+o By clicking and releasing
<Btn1> on the downward-pointing
arrow, which pops the list up, and the list stays up. A later
selection of an item in the list will cause the item to appear
in the text entry field, and the list will unpost itself.
+o By pressing
<Btn1> on the downward-pointing arrow, dragging it
to a list item, and then releasing it there, which selects that
item. The list disappears, and the selected item appears in the
text entry field.
The application provides an array of strings that fill the list. At
creation time, string items can be passed to the ComboBox via an
arglist. Each string becomes an item in the list, with the first
string becoming the item in position 1, the second string becoming
the item in position 2, and so on. The size of the list is set by
specifying the number of items that are visible in the list
XmNvisibleItemCount). If the number of items in the list exceeds the
number of items that are visible, a vertical scroll bar will
automatically appear that allows the user to scroll through a large
number of items.
ComboBox creates two child widgets: a TextField widget for entering
text and a ScrolledWindow containing a List for the list of items.
The name of the items list itself is
List, and the name of the
TextField is
Text. The application or user can specify resource
values for these widgets in a resource file, and the application can
XtNameToWidget (specifying
"*List" for the items list or
"*Text" for the TextField widget) to obtain the widget IDs of the descendant
widgets. At creation time, ComboBox passes appropriate resource
values in the creation arglist, including
XmNitems, to the items
list. Note that the result of providing the
XmNdestroyCallback resource in the creation
arglist is unspecified. The application
should use the
XtAddCallback function to add callbacks to the
appropriate widget (TextField or List) after creating it.
ComboBox forces the following resource values on its List child:
+o If
XmNcomboBoxType is
XmNtraversalOn is forced to
XmNhighlightThickness is forced to 2 in a drop-down ComboBox
and to 0 in other types of ComboBoxes.
XmNborderWidth is forced to 0.
XmNnavigationType is forced to
XmNselectionPolicy is forced to
XmNlistSizePolicy is forced to
XmNspacing is forced to 0.
XmNvisualPolicy is forced to
XmNselectedPositions is forced to NULL.
XmNselectedPositionsCount is forced to 0.
XmNcomboBoxType is
XmDROP_DOWN_LIST, ComboBox forces the
following resource values on its TextField child:
XmNeditable is forced to False.
XmNcursorPositionVisible is forced to False.
XmNshadowThickness is forced to 0.
By contrast, when
XmNcomboBoxType is
XmDROP_DOWN_COMBO_BOX, ComboBox forces the following resource values
on its TextField child:
XmNeditable is forced to True.
XmNcursorPositionVisible is forced to True.
XmNeditMode is forced to
ComboBox always forces the values of the following resources on the
XmNnavigationType is forced to
XmNhighlightThickness is forced to 0.
XmNborderWidth is forced to 0.
ComboBox allows a single item to be selected in two ways: by
selecting the desired item from the List or by entering text into the
TextField. ComboBox does not automatically select a list item if the
user types that string into the TextField. It selects the item when
the user presses
KActivate or moves the focus. ComboBox supports the
Browse Select selection model of List (see the
XmList reference page
for a description of this model), so selections are mutually
exclusive. Selecting an item from the list causes that item to be
displayed in the TextField portion of the ComboBox. If an
application sets the
XmNvalue resource of TextField, that string is
shown in the TextField. If the application has not provided any list
items, or if there is no current selection, the TextField is empty.
The TextField in the ComboBox widget can be either editable or
noneditable, depending on the value of the
XmNcomboBoxType resource.
If the TextField is editable, the user can type into it. When the
user presses the Return key, the ComboBox will compare the typed
entry to the items in the List. If there is an exact match, then the
matched List item is selected. If the application wishes to validate
the entered text (for example, to ensure that the typed selection is
a valid one), it can do so by setting
XmNmodifyVerifyCallback on the
TextField widget.
If the TextField is noneditable, typing text may invoke a matching
algorithm that will attempt to match the entered text with items in
the list. The specific matching algorithm applied, which may be none,
is determined by the value of the
XmNmatchBehavior resource in
ComboBox, which can be either
XmNONE indicates that no matching algorithm will occur. A value of
XmQUICK_NAVIGATE indicates that when the List widget has focus, one-
character navigation is supported. In this algorithm, if the typed
character is the initial character of some item in the List, this
algorithm causes that item to be navigated to and selected, and the
item is displayed in the TextField. Subsequently typing the same
character will cycle among the items with the same first character.
Regardless of the selection mechanism used (either selected directly
from the List or typed into the TextField), when an item in the List
is selected, that item is highlighted in the List. In addition, the
selected item is displayed in the TextField of the ComboBox. If the
user performs an action that would move focus away from ComboBox, or
selects a List item, the
XmNselectionCallback callbacks are invoked
to notify the application of the current contents of the TextField
(or choice). The application then takes whatever action is required
based on those contents (or choice).
ComboBox uses the
XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait and holds the
XmQTaccessTextual trait.
XmComboBox inherits behavior, resources, and traits from
Composite, and
XmManager classes.
The class pointer is
The class name is
New Resources
The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the
programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource
values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget.
To reference a resource by name or by class in a
.Xdefaults file,
remove the
XmN or
XmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To
specify one of the defined values for a resource in a
.Xdefaults file, remove the
Xm prefix and use the remaining letters (in either
lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words).
The codes in the access column indicate if the given resource can be
at creation time (C), set by using
XtSetValues (S), retrieved by
XtGetValues (G), or is not applicable (N/A).
XmComboBox Resource Set |
Name |
Class |
Type |
Default |
Access |
|XmNarrowSize | XmCArrowSize | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNarrowSpacing | XmCArrowSpacing | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNcolumns | XmCColumn | short | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNcomboBoxType | XmCComboBoxType | unsigned char | XmCOMBO_BOX | CG |
|XmNfontList | XmCFontList | XmFontList | NULL | CSG |
|XmNhighlightThickness | XmCHighlightThickness | Dimension | 2 | CSG |
|XmNitemCount | XmCItemCount | int | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNitems | XmCItems | XmStringTable | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNlist | XmCList | Widget | dynamic | G |
|XmNmarginHeight | XmCMarginHeight | Dimension | 2 | CSG |
|XmNmarginWidth | XmCMarginWidth | Dimension | 2 | CSG |
|XmNmatchBehavior | XmCMatchBehavior | unsigned char | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNpositionMode | XmCPositionMode | XtEnum | XmZERO_BASED | CG |
|XmNrenderTable | XmCRenderTable | XmRenderTable | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNselectedItem | XmCSelectedItem | XmString | NULL | CSG |
|XmNselectedPosition | XmCSelectedPosition | int | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNselectionCallback | XmCCallback | XmCallbackList | NULL | C |
|XmtextField | XmCTextField | Widget | dynamic | G |
|XmNvisibleItemCount | XmCVisibleItemCount | int | 10 | CSG |
XmNarrowSize Specifies the width of the arrow. The default size depends
on the size of the text, as well as the size of the
XmNarrowSpacing Specifies the space between the text and arrow visual in
pixels. The default value is obtained from the
XmNmarginWidth resource.
XmNcolumns Specifies the number of columns in the text field. If
unset, the text field's value is used. Refer to the
XmTextField man page for more detailed information.
XmNcomboBoxType Specifies the type of ComboBox to be created. This can be
one of the following:
XmCOMBO_BOX Generates a ComboBox where the list is always
displayed, and the text entry field is editable.
XmDROP_DOWN_COMBO_BOX Generates a ComboBox where the list is hidden
unless specifically requested, and the text entry
field is editable.
XmDROP_DOWN_LIST Generates a ComboBox where the list is hidden
unless specifically requested, and the text entry
field is noneditable.
XmNfontList Specifies the fontlist associated with
XmComboBox. The
fontlist is an obsolete construct, and has been superseded
by the render table. It is included for compatibility with
earlier versions of Motif, and for applications that do not
easily support render tables. The default fontlist is
derived from the default render table, and if both a
fontlist and a render table are specified, the render table
takes precedence.
XmNhighlightThickness Specifies the thickness of the highlighting rectangle.
XmNitemCount Specifies the number of items in the list. If unset, the
lists's value is used. Refer to the
XmList man page for
more detailed information.
XmNitems Specifies the items in the list. If unset, the lists's
value is used. Refer to the
XmList man page for more
detailed information.
XmNlist The list widget.
XmNmarginWidth Specifies the horizontal spacing between the child widgets
and the boundary of the ComboBox.
XmNmarginHeight Specifies the vertical spacing between the child widgets
and the boundary of the ComboBox.
XmNmatchBehavior Defines the matching algorithm applied to match the text
typed by the user in the TextField field with items in the
list. The current values are
XmNONE and
as follows:
XmNONE Indicates that there is no assigned matching
XmQUICK_NAVIGATE Is only valid for noneditable ComboBoxes
XmNcomboBoxType resource value
XmDROP_DOWN_LIST). This algorithm supports
1-character navigation when the List widget has
focus. If the typed character is the initial
character of some item in the List, this
algorithm causes that item to be navigated to and
selected. Subsequently typing the same character
will cycle among the items with the same first
XmNpositionMode Specifies how the value of the
XmNselectedPosition resource
and the
item_position field of the callback structure are
to be interpreted. Note that the convenience functions
XmComboBoxDeletePos and
XmComboBoxAddItem are not affected
by this resource, and (like
XmList) always use 1-based
positions. Valid values for this resource are:
XmZERO_BASED (DtComboBox compatibility mode: default)
XmNselectedPosition is in
[0,itemcount-1]. The
item_position in the
XmComboBoxCallbackStruct is
0 if the first element in the list was selected.
Note that 0 is also returned if no element in the
list was selected (that is, a new item was
entered in the text field).
XmONE_BASED (Motif mode) Both the resource value and the
callback fields are 1-based. This is consistent
with other Motif widgets.
XmNrenderTable Specifies the render table associated with ComboBox. This
render table is used in both the TextField field and the
List in the ComboBox. This is used in conjunction with the
XmNvisibleItemCount resource of the List to determine the
height of the ComboBox widget.
If this value is NULL at initialization, and if the widget
parent is
XmBulletinBoard or its subclasses,
VendorShell or
its subclasses, or
XmMenuShell, then the widget parent
provides the default render table associated with the
widget. If both a render table and a fontlist are
specified, the render table will take precedence.
XmNselectedItem Specifies a compound string that represents the current
selection of the ComboBox. The selected item is the content
of the ComboBox text entry field.
XmNselectedPosition If the selection in the ComboBox is an item in the list,
this is the index of the selected item in the list. If no
item in the list is selected, this is 0.
XmNselectionCallback Specifies the list of callbacks called when an item is
selected. The reason field in the
XmComboBoxCallbackStruct is
XmNtextField The text field widget.
XmNvisibleItemCount Specifies the number of visible items in the list. This
will override any value specified for the list. Refer to
XmList man page for more detailed information.
Inherited Resources
ComboBox inherits behavior and resources from superclasses described
in the following tables. For a complete description of each resource,
refer to the reference page for that superclass.
XmManager Resource Set |
Name |
Class |
Type |
Default |
Access |
|XmNbottomShadowColor | XmCBottomShadowColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNbottomShadowPixmap | XmCBottomShadowPixmap | Pixmap | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG |
|XmNforeground | XmCForeground | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNhelpCallback | XmCCallback | XtCallbackList | NULL | C |
|XmNhighlightColor | XmCHighlightColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNhighlightPixmap | XmCHighlightPixmap | Pixmap | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNinitialFocus | XmCInitialFocus | Widget | NULL | CSG |
|XmNlayoutDirection | XmCLayoutDirection | XmDirection | dynamic | CG |
|XmNnavigationType | XmCNavigationType | XmNavigationType | XmSTICKY_TAG_GROUP | CSG |
|XmNpopupHandlerCallback | XmCCallback | XtCallbackList | NULL | C |
|XmNshadowThickness | XmCShadowThickness | Dimension | 2 | CSG |
|XmNstringDirection | XmCStringDirection | XmStringDirection | dynamic | CG |
|XmNtopShadowColor | XmCTopShadowColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNtopShadowPixmap | XmCTopShadowPixmap | Pixmap | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNtraversalOn | XmCTraversalOn | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNunitType | XmCUnitType | unsigned char | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNuserData | XmCUserData | XtPointer | NULL | CSG |
Composite Resource Set |
Name |
Class |
Type |
Default |
Access |
|XmNchildren | XmCReadOnly | WidgetList | NULL | G |
|XmNinsertPosition | XmCInsertPosition | XtOrderProc | NULL | CSG |
|XmNnumChildren | XmCReadOnly | Cardinal | 0 | G |
Core Resource Set |
Name |
Class |
Type |
Default |
Access |
|XmNaccelerators | XmCAccelerators | XtAccelerators | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNancestorSensitive | XmCSensitive | Boolean | dynamic | G |
|XmNbackground | XmCBackground | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNbackgroundPixmap | XmCPixmap | Pixmap | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG |
|XmNborderColor | XmCBorderColor | Pixel | XtDefaultForeground | CSG |
|XmNborderPixmap | XmCPixmap | Pixmap | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG |
|XmNborderWidth | XmCBorderWidth | Dimension | 0 | CSG |
|XmNcolormap | XmCColormap | Colormap | dynamic | CG |
|XmNdepth | XmCDepth | int | dynamic | CG |
|XmNdestroyCallback | XmCCallback | XtCallbackList | NULL | C |
|XmNheight | XmCHeight | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNinitialResourcesPersistent | XmCInitialResourcesPersistent | Boolean | True | C |
|XmNmappedWhenManaged | XmCMappedWhenManaged | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNscreen | XmCScreen | Screen * | dynamic | CG |
|XmNsensitive | XmCSensitive | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNtranslations | XmCTranslations | XtTranslations | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNwidth | XmCWidth | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNx | XmCPosition | Position | 0 | CSG |
|XmNy | XmCPosition | Position | 0 | CSG |
Callback Information
A pointer to the following structure is passed to each callback. The
callback structure is defined as follows:
typedef struct
XEvent *
} XmComboBoxCallbackStruct;
reason Indicates why the callback was invoked.
event Points to the
XEvent that triggered the callback. It can be
item_or_text The contents of the text field at the time the event caused
the callback. The
item_or_text parameter points to a
temporary storage space that is reused after the callback
is finished. If an application needs to save the item, it
should copy
item_or_text into its own data space.
item_position The position of item in the list's
XmNitems 1-based array.
If this is 0, it means that the
item_or_text was not
selected from the List.
The ComboBox translations are listed below.
The following key names are listed in the X standard key event
translation table syntax. This format is the one used by Motif to
specify the widget actions corresponding to a given key. A brief
overview of the format is provided under
VirtualBindings(3). For a
complete description of the format, please refer to the X Toolkit
Instrinsics Documentation.
Note: The KPageUp and KPageDown translations do not take effect
unless the
List child widget is posted.
<Btn1Up>: CBDisarm()
The following lists the List translations in the drop-down list. When
XmNcomboBoxType is
<osfCancel>, and
Return are overriden by ComboBox actions.
:c <Key>
:c <Key>
~s ~m ~a<Key>
The following accelerators are added to ComboBox and its children.
The accelerators may not directly correspond to a translation table.
If the translation is not listed below, it may depend on the context
of the event.
:c <Key>
:c <Key>
:c <Key>
:c <Key>
A drop-down ComboBox also adds accelerators to its List child. Aside
from the accelerators that are already listed in this section, those
accelerators are the default TextField key translations.
Action Routines
XmComboBox action routines are as follows:
Calls the
XmNselectionCallback callbacks. If the
XmNcomboBoxType is
XmDROP_DOWN_LIST, it unposts the list. If the parent is a
manager, passes the event to the parent.
If the pointer is within the down arrow, draws the shadow
of the arrow in the selected state, and then posts the
If the
XmNcomboBoxType is
XmDROP_DOWN_LIST, pops down the list. If the parent is a
manager, passes the event to the parent.
Redraws the arrow in an unselected state.
XmNcomboBoxType is
list is not displayed, posts the list. If list is
displayed, it unposts the list.
Moves the location cursor to the first item in the list.
In Normal Mode, this also deselects any current selection,
selects the first item in the list, and calls the
XmNbrowseSelectionCallback selection callback.
Moves the location cursor to the last item in the list. In
Normal Mode, this also deselects any current selection,
selects the last item in the list, and calls the
XmNbrowseSelectionCallback selection callback.
Scrolls the list to the previous page, moving the location
cursor to a new item. This action also selects the new
item, deselects any current selection, and calls the
XmNbrowseSelectionCallback callbacks. If the ComboBox is
not a drop-down type, then this action does nothing.
Scrolls the list to the next page, moving the location
cursor to a new item. This action also selects the new
item, deselects any current selection, and calls the
XmNbrowseSelectionCallback callbacks. If the ComboBox is
not a drop-down type, then this action does nothing.
Moves the location cursor to the previous item in the list.
This action also selects the previous item, deselects any
current selection, and calls the
XmNbrowseSelectionCallback callbacks. Note that, unlike the List
ListPrevItem action,
this action wraps around.
Moves the location cursor to the next item in the list.
This action also selects the next item, deselects any
current selection, and calls the
XmNbrowseSelectionCallback callbacks. Note that, unlike the List
ListNextItem action,
this action wraps around.
Virtual Bindings
The bindings for virtual keys are vendor specific. For information
about bindings for virtual buttons and keys, see
ERRORS/WARNINGS The toolkit will display a warning if the application tries to set
the value of
XmNlist or the
XmNtextField resource, which are read-
only (marked G in the resource table).
XmVaCreateComboBox(3), and
XmComboBox(library call)