XmRendition(library call) XmRendition(library call)


XmRendition -- The Rendition registry


#include <Xm/Xm.h>


XmRendition is a pseudo widget used for the rendering of XmStrings.
XmRendition has two parts: XmStringTag and rendering information. The
XmStringTag part can be matched with an XmStringTag associated with a
LOCALE, CHARSET, or RENDITION[BEGIN|END] component within XmString.
The rendering information contains information about the font or
fontset, colors, tabs, and lines to be used in rendering a text

If a resource in a rendition is unspecified, usually by setting it to
XmAS_IS or XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL, then the value to be used for that
resource is the value of the immediately preceeding rendition in
XmString. If that value is unspecified, then the preceding value is
used, and so on. If no renditions specify a value for a resource,
then a default value will be used.


XmRendition does not inherit from any widget class.

New Resources

The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the
programmer to specify data. To reference a resource by name or by
class in a .Xdefaults file, remove the XmN or XmC prefix and use the
remaining letters. To specify one of the defined values for a
resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove the Xm prefix and use the
remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase, but include any
underscores between words). The codes in the access column indicate
if the given resource can be set at creation time (C), set by using
XmRenditionUpdate (S), retrieved by using XmRenditionRetrieve (G), or
is not applicable (N/A).

| XmRendition Resource Set |
|Name | Class | Type | Default | Access |
|XmNrenditionBackground | XmCRenditionBackground | Pixel | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL | CSG |
|XmNfont | XmCFont | XtPointer | XmAS_IS | CSG |
|XmNfontName | XmCFontName | String | XmAS_IS | CSG |
|XmNfontType | XmCFontType | XmFontType | XmAS_IS | CSG |
|XmNrenditionForeground | XmCRenditionForeground | Pixel | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL | CSG |
|XmNloadModel | XmCLoadModel | unsigned char | XmAS_IS | CSG |
|XmNstrikethruType | XmCStrikethruType | unsigned char | XmAS_IS | CSG |
|XmNtabList | XmCTabList | XmTabList | XmAS_IS | CSG |
|XmNtag | XmCTag | XmStringTag | "" | G |
|XmNunderlineType | XmCUnderlineType | unsigned char | XmAS_IS | CSG |
Specifies the background drawing color. A value of
XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL indicates that the background is not
specified for this rendition.

XmNfont Specifies the actual font or fontset to be used by this
rendition. The value of this resource, if set to other than
XmAS_IS, will be used regardless of the settings of the
other font resources. Setting this resource will force
XmNloadModel to be XmLOAD_IMMEDIATE. If this resource is
not initially set, then it will be set subsequently by the
rendition whenever the font or fontset specified by
XmNfontName is loaded. If both XmNfontName and XmNfont are
specified in a resource file, the XmNfont specification
will take precedence.

Specifies an X Logical Font Description (XLFD) string,
which is interpreted either as a font name or as a base
font name list. A base font name list is a comma-separated
and NULL-terminated string. A value of XmAS_IS indicates
that the font is not specified for this rendition. If both
XmNfontName and XmNfont are specified in a resource file,
the XmNfont specification will take precedence.

Specifies whether the XmNfontName resource refers to a font
name or to a base font name list. Valid values are

Specifies the foreground drawing color. A value of
XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL indicates that the foreground is not
specified for this rendition.

Specifies whether the font or fontset specified by
XmNfontName is to be loaded when the rendition is created
(XmLOAD_IMMEDIATE) or only when the font is required to
render an XmString segment (XmLOAD_DEFERRED). Note that
specifying XmLOAD_IMMEDIATE for XmNloadModel is valid only
if XmNfontName is specified, in which case the specified
font will be loaded on creation, or if XmNfont is
specified, in which case the font is already loaded.
XmLOAD_DEFERRED is only valid when XmNfontName is

Specifies the type of line to be used to strike through a
text segment. Valid values are XmNO_LINE, XmSINGLE_LINE,
XmDOUBLE_DASHED_LINE. A value of XmAS_IS indicates that the
strike-through type is not specified for this rendition.

Specifies the tab list to be used in rendering compound
strings containing tab components.

XmNtag Specifies the tag string to be used in matching the
renditions with other renditions or with XmStringTag
components in XmStrings. This resource must always be
specified. That is, NULL is not a legal value but the empty
string is. This resource is automatically set to the value
of the tag parameter in the XmRenditionCreate call.

Specifies the type of line to be used to underline a text
segment. Valid values are XmNO_LINE, XmSINGLE_LINE,
XmDOUBLE_DASHED_LINE. A value of XmAS_IS indicates that the
underline type is not specified for this rendition.


XmRenditionCreate(3), XmRenditionFree(3), XmRenditionRetrieve(3),
XmRenditionUpdate(3), and XmString(3).

XmRendition(library call)

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