XmSpinBox(library call) XmSpinBox(library call)


XmSpinBox -- The SpinBox widget class


#include <Xm/SpinB.h>


SpinBox allows the user to select a value from a ring of related but
mutually exclusive choices which are displayed in sequence. The
SpinBox always has an increment arrow, a decrement arrow, and one or
more other children. The choices are displayed, one at a time, in a
traversable text child ( XmText or XmTextField. The user clicks
<Btn1> on an arrow to display the next (or previous) item in the ring
of choices. By pressing and holding <Btn1> on an arrow, the user
continuously cycles through the choices.

The traversable children in a SpinBox can be of type XmNUMERIC or
XmSTRING, as defined by the XmNspinBoxChildType constraint resource.
The ring of choices for numeric children is defined by minimum,
maximum, incremental, and decimal point values. The ring of choices
for string children is defined in an array of compound strings.

The application programmer can include multiple traversable children
in the SpinBox. For example, a SpinBox might consist of a pair of
arrows and month, day, and year text fields. The arrows only spin the
child that currently has focus.

Arrow size is specified by the SpinBox resource XmNarrowSize. This
value sets both width and height of each arrow in pixels.

The programmer can display SpinBox arrows in one of several layouts,
as specified by the XmNarrowLayout resource:

Places a pair of left and right arrows before the children.

Places a pair of left and right arrows after the children.

Places one arrow on each side of the children.

Places a pair of arrows side by side before the XmSpinBox

Places a pair of arrows side by side after the XmSpinBox

Positions for XmARROWS_BEGINNING and XmARROWS_END are dependent on
the VendorShell resource XmNlayoutDirection. When layout direction is
left-to-right, beginning arrows are positioned to the left of the
children. When layout direction is right-to-left, beginning arrows
are positioned to the right.

The actions of the arrows are determined by the VendorShell resource
XmNlayoutDirection. For left-to-right layouts, the right arrow is
the increment arrow and the left arrow is the decrement arrow. For
right-to-left layouts, the right arrow is the decrement arrow and the
left arrow is the increment arrow.

For a numeric type child, the increment arrow increases the displayed
value by the incremental value up to the maximum. The decrement arrow
decreases the displayed value by the given incremental value down to
the minimum.

The increment arrow for a string type child moves toward the last
entry of the array of compound strings (by increasing the SpinBox
constraint resource XmNposition). The decrement arrow moves toward
the first entry of the compound string array.

The programmer can also control the sensitivity of each arrow in the
SpinBox. Sensitive arrows spin choices; insensitive arrows do not
spin choices. Arrow sensitivity is set for the SpinBox widget by
using the XmNdefaultArrowSensitivity resource, but it can be modified
on a per child basis by using the XmNarrowSensitivity constraint

SpinBox provides two callbacks to application programmers. (In
addition, the callbacks of the SpinBox's children may be invoked.)
Each of these callbacks receives a pointer to
XmSpinBoxCallbackStruct. The XmNmodifyVerifyCallback procedures are
called before a new choice is displayed. The XmNvalueChangedCallback
procedures are called after a new choice is displayed.

XmNmodifyVerifyCallback tells the application what the new position
will be in the ring of choices. This callback can be used to make the
SpinBox stop at the upper and lower limits or go to a different,
nonconsecutive choice. The application allows the change in position
by leaving the doit member set to True. The application can spin to a
position other than the next consecutive position by leaving doit set
to True and by changing the position member to the desired position.
When doit is set to False by an application, there is no change in
the choice displayed.

After a new choice is displayed, the XmNvalueChangedCallback
procedure is called. The application can use this procedure to
perform tasks when specific values are reached or when boundaries are
crossed. For example, if the user spins from January back to
December, the application could change to the previous year. If the
user spins from December to January, the application could change to
the next year.

SpinBox dimensions can be set using the Core resources XmNheight and
XmNwidth. If dimensions are not specified, the SpinBox size is
determined by the sizes of its arrows and children. The SpinBox will
attempt to grow so that the arrows and all children are visible.

SpinBox uses the XmQTaccessTextual trait and holds the XmQTnavigator


SpinBox inherits behavior, resources, and traits from the Core,
Composite, Constraint, and XmManager classes.

The class pointer is xmSpinBoxWidgetClass.

The class name is XmSpinBox.

New Resources

The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the
programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource
values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget.
To reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file,
remove the XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To
specify one of the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults
file, remove the Xm prefix and use the remaining letters (in either
lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words).
The codes in the access column indicate whether the given resource
can be set at creation time (C), set by using XtSetValues (S),
retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is not applicable (N/A).

XmSpinBox Resource
Name Class Type Default Access
XmNarrowLayout XmCArrowLayout unsigned char XmARROWS_BEGINNING CSG
XmNarrowOrientation XmCArrowOrientation unsigned char XmARROWS_VERTICAL CSG
XmNarrowSize XmCArrowSize Dimension 16 CSG
XmNdefaultArrowSensitivity XmCDefaultArrowSensitivity unsigned char XmARROWS_SENSITIVE CSG
XmNdetailShadowThickness XmCDetailShadowThickness Dimension 2 CSG
XmNinitialDelay XmCInitialDelay unsigned int 250 ms CSG
XmNmarginHeight XmCMarginHeight Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNmarginWidth XmCMarginWidth Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNmodifyVerifyCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNrepeatDelay XmCRepeatDelay unsigned int 200 ms CSG
XmNspacing XmCSpacing Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNvalueChangedCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C

Specifies placement of the two arrows in the widget.
Possible layouts are as follows:

Places left and right arrows beside each other,
before the child(ren). Positioning for this
layout is dependent on the VendorShell resource

Places left and right arrows beside each other,
after the child(ren). Positioning for this
layout is dependent on the VendorShell resource

Places a pair of arrows side by side before the
XmSpinBox children. Positioning for this layout
is dependent on the VendorShell resource

Places a pair of arrows side by side after the
XmSpinBox children. Positioning for this layout
is dependent on the VendorShell resource

Places a left arrow on the left side and a right
arrow on the right side of the child(ren).

Specifies both the width and height of the arrow in pixels.

Specifies the default sensitivity of the arrows in the
widget. Insensitive arrows change color, cannot be
depressed, and perform no action. (This resource may be
overridden by the constraint resource XmNarrowSensitivity
for individual traversable text children of the SpinBox.)
Possible default sensitivity values are as follows:

Both arrows are sensitive.

Only the decrement arrow (as determined by
XmNlayoutDirection) is sensitive. The increment
arrow is insensitive.

Only the increment arrow (as determined by
XmNlayoutDirection) is sensitive. The decrement
arrow is insensitive.

Both arrows are insensitive.

Specifies the thickness of the inside arrow shadows. The
default thickness is 2 pixels.

Specifies how long, in milliseconds, the mouse button must
be held down before automatic spinning begins. In other
words, when the user selects the increment or decrement
arrow and keeps it depressed, this delay occurs before the
choices start spinning. If XmNinitialDelay is 0, then
XmNrepeatDelay is used as the initial delay.

Specifies the amount of blank space between the top edge of
the SpinBox widget and the first item in each column, and
the bottom edge of the SpinBox widget and the last item in
each column.

Specifies the amount of blank space between the left edge
of the SpinBox widget and the first item in each row, and
the right edge of the SpinBox widget and the last item in
each row.

This callback is called before the SpinBox position changes
(see the Constraint resource XmNposition). The application
can use this callback to set the next position, change
SpinBox resources, or cancel the impending action. For
example, this callback can be used to stop the spinning
just before wrapping at the upper and lower position
boundaries. If the doit member is set to False, nothing
happens. Otherwise the position changes. Reasons sent by
the callback are XmCR_SPIN_NEXT, XmCR_SPIN_PRIOR,

When the user selects and keeps an arrow button depressed
by pressing and holding <Btn1>, spinning begins. After the
time specified in XmNinitialDelay elapses, the SpinBox
position changes automatically until the arrow button is
released. The XmNrepeatDelay resource specifies the delay
in milliseconds between each automatic change. If
XmNrepeatDelay is set to 0 (zero), automatic spinning is
turned off and XmNinitialDelay is ignored.

Specifies the horizontal and vertical spacing between items
contained within the SpinBox widget.

This is called n+1 times for n SpinBox position changes
(see the Constraint resource XmNposition). Reasons sent by
the callback are XmCR_OK, XmCR_SPIN_NEXT, XmCR_SPIN_PRIOR,
XmCR_SPIN_FIRST, or XmCR_SPIN_LAST. Other members are
detailed in the callback structure description.

XmSpinBox Constraint
Resource Set
Name Class Type Default Access
XmNarrowSensitivity XmCArrowSensitivity unsigned char XmARROWS_DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY CSG
XmNdecimalPoints XmCDecimalPoints short 0 CSG
XmNincrementValue XmCIncrementValue int 1 CSG
XmNmaximumValue XmCMaximumValue int 10 CSG
XmNminimumValue XmCMinimumValue int 0 CSG
XmNnumValues XmCNumValues int 0 CSG
XmNposition XmCPosition int 0 CSG
XmNpositionType XmCPositionType char XmPOSITION_VALUE CG
XmNspinBoxChildType XmSpinBoxChildType unsigned char XmSTRING CG
XmNvalues XmCValues XmStringTable NULL CSG

Specifies the sensitivity of the arrows for a SpinBox
child. By using this resource in the definition of a
SpinBox child, the application programmer can override the
default SpinBox sensitivity (set by
XmNdefaultArrowSensitivity) for a particular child. This
allows each traversable child to have a different arrow
sensitivity. The arrow sensitivity values are as follows:

Both arrows are sensitive.

Only the decrement arrow (as determined by
XmNlayoutDirection) is sensitive.

Only the increment arrow (as determined by
XmNlayoutDirection) is sensitive.

Both arrows are insensitive.

Use the sensitivity specified in the
XmNdefaultArrowSensitivity resource.

Specifies the number of decimal places used when displaying
the value of a SpinBox numeric type child. If the number of
decimal places specified is greater than the number of
digits in a displayed value, the value is padded with 0
(zeros). For example, when XmNinitialValue is 1 and
XmNmaximumValue is 1000 and XmNdecimalPoints is 3, the
range of values displayed in the SpinBox is 0.001 to 1.000.
This is used only when XmNspinBoxChildType is XmNUMERIC.

Specifies the amount by which to increment or decrement a
SpinBox numeric type child. This is used only when
XmNspinBoxChildType is XmNUMERIC.

Specifies the highest possible value for a numeric SpinBox.
This is used only when XmNspinBoxChildType is XmNUMERIC.

Specifies the lowest possible value for a numeric SpinBox.
This is used only when XmNspinBoxChildType is XmNUMERIC.

Specifies the number of strings in XmNvalues. The
application must change this value when strings are added
or removed from XmNvalues. This is used only when
XmNspinBoxChildType is XmSTRING.

Specifies the position of the currently displayed item. The
interpritation of XmNposition is dependent upon the value
of the XmNpositionType resource.

When XmNpositionType is XmPOSITION_INDEX the XmNposition
value is interpreted as follows: For XmSpinBox children of
type XmNUMERIC, the XmNposition resource is interpreted as
an index into an array of items. The minimum allowable
value for XmNposition is 0. The maximum allowable value for
XmNposition is (XmNmaximumValue-
XmNminimumValue)/XmNincrementValue. The value display by
the XmSpinBox child is
XmNminimumValue+(XmNposition*XmNincrementValue). For
XmSpinBox children of type XmSTRING, the XmNposition
resource is interpreted as an index into an array of
XmNnumValues items. The minimum allowable value for
XmNposition is 0. The maximum allowable value for
XmNposition is XmNnumValues - 1. The value displayed by the
XmSpinBox is the XmNposition'th value in the XmNvalues

When XmNpositionType is XmPOSITION_VALUE the XmNposition
value is interpreted as follows:

For XmSpinBox children of type XmNUMERIC, the XmNposition
resource is interpreted as the actual value to be
displayed. The minimum allowable value for XmNposition is
XmNminimumValue. The maximum allowable value for
XmNposition is XmNmaximumValue. The value displayed by the
XmSpinBox child is XmNposition. For XmSpinBox children of
type XmSTRING, the interpretation is the same for

Position values falling outside the specified range are
invalid. When an application assigns a value to XmNposition
which is less than the minimum, XmNposition is set to the
minimum and an error message is displayed. When an
application assigns a value to XmNposition which is greater
than the maximum, XmNposition is set to the maximum and an
error message is displayed.

Specifies how values the XmNposition resource are to be
interpreted. Valid values include XmPOSITION_INDEX and

Specifies the type of data displayed in the child:

XmNUMERIC The SpinBox choice range is defined by numeric
minimum, maximum, and incremental values.

XmSTRING The SpinBox choices are alphanumeric.

XmNvalues Specifies the array of XmStrings to be displayed in a
SpinBox string type child. The application must change
XmNnumValues when strings are added to or removed from
XmNvalues. This is used only when XmNspinBoxChildType is

Inherited Resources

SpinBox inherits behavior and resources from the superclasses
described in the following tables. For a complete description of each
resource, refer to the reference page for that superclass.

XmManager Resource
Name Class Type Default Access
XmNbottomShadowColor XmCBottomShadowColor Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNbottomShadowPixmap XmCBottomShadowPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
XmNforeground XmCForeground Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNhelpCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNhighlightColor XmCHighlightColor Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNhighlightPixmap XmCHighlightPixmap Pixmap dynamic CSG
XmNinitialFocus XmCInitialFocus Widget dynamic CSG
XmNlayoutDirection XmCLayoutDirection XmDirection dynamic CG
XmNnavigationType XmCNavigationType XmNavigationType XmTAB_GROUP CSG
XmNpopupHandlerCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNshadowThickness XmCShadowThickness Dimension 0 CSG
XmNstringDirection XmCStringDirection XmStringDirection dynamic CG
XmNtopShadowColor XmCTopShadowColor Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNtopShadowPixmap XmCTopShadowPixmap Pixmap dynamic CSG
XmNtraversalOn XmCTraversalOn Boolean True CSG
XmNunitType XmCUnitType unsigned char dynamic CSG
XmNuserData XmCUserData XtPointer NULL CSG

Composite Resource
Name Class Type Default Access
XmNchildren XmCReadOnly WidgetList NULL G
XmNinsertPosition XmCInsertPosition XtOrderProc NULL CSG
XmNnumChildren XmCReadOnly Cardinal 0 G

Core Resource Set
Name Class Type Default Access
XmNaccelerators XmCAccelerators XtAccelerators dynamic CSG
XmNancestorSensitive XmCSensitive Boolean dynamic G
XmNbackground XmCBackground Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNbackgroundPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
XmNborderColor XmCBorderColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground CSG
XmNborderPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
XmNborderWidth XmCBorderWidth Dimension 0 CSG
XmNcolormap XmCColormap Colormap dynamic CG
XmNdepth XmCDepth int dynamic CG
XmNdestroyCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNheight XmCHeight Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent XmCInitialResourcesPersistent Boolean True C
XmNmappedWhenManaged XmCMappedWhenManaged Boolean True CSG
XmNscreen XmCScreen Screen * dynamic CG
XmNsensitive XmCSensitive Boolean True CSG
XmNtranslations XmCTranslations XtTranslations dynamic CSG
XmNwidth XmCWidth Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNx XmCPosition Position 0 CSG
XmNy XmCPosition Position 0 CSG


A pointer to the following structure is passed to each callback:

typedef struct
int reason;
XEvent * event;
Widget widget;
Boolean doit;
int position;
XmString value;
Boolean crossed_boundary;
} XmSpinBoxCallbackStruct;

reason Indicates why the callback was invoked. Reasons may be the

XmCR_OK Spinning has stopped because the SpinBox arrow
has been disarmed. XmCR_OK is either the last or
only call.

The increment arrow has been armed and position
is increasing. Further callbacks will come. For a
numeric type child, the values displayed are
approaching the maximum. For a string SpinBox,
the values displayed are approaching the last
entry in the array of XmString s.

The decrement arrow has been armed and position
is decreasing. Further callbacks will come. For a
numeric type child, the values displayed are
approaching the minimum. For a string type child,
the values displayed are approaching the first
entry in the array of XmStrings.

The begin data (<osfBeginData>) key sequence has
been pressed. The SpinBox is at its first
position, displaying the lowest value or the
first entry in the array of XmStrings.

The end data (<osfEndData>) key sequence has been
pressed. The SpinBox is at its last position,
displaying the highest value or the last entry in
the array of XmStrings.

event Points to the XEvent that triggered this callback.

widget Specifies the child widget affected by this callback.

doit When the callback is XmNmodifyVerifyCallback, doit
indicates whether or not an action will be performed before
the SpinBox position changes. If the callback leaves doit
set to True (the default), the spinning action is
performed. If the callback sets doit to False, the spinning
action is not performed. When the callback is
XmNvalueChangedCallback, doit is ignored.

position Specifies the next value of the SpinBox position (same as
XmNposition). This is an output field for the
XmNmodifyVerifyCallback, which may change the next position
as dictated by the needs of an application.

value Specifies the new XmString value in the text child widget.
The user program must copy this string if it is to be used
outside the callback routine.

Specifies whether or not the SpinBox has crossed the upper
or lower boundary (the last or first compound string, or
the maximum or minimum value). The crossed_boundary value
is True if the SpinBox has just crossed a boundary, and
False if it has not.


The XmSpinBox translations are as follows:

The following key names are listed in the X standard key event
translation table syntax. This format is the one used by Motif to
specify the widget actions corresponding to a given key. A brief
overview of the format is provided under VirtualBindings(3). For a
complete description of the format, please refer to the X Toolkit
Instrinsics Documentation.


<Btn1Up>: SpinBDisarm()

:<Key><osfUp> :

:<Key><osfDown> :

:<Key><osfLeft> :

:<Key><osfRight> :

:<Key><osfBeginData> :

:<Key><osfEndData> :


The XmNaccelerators resource of a SpinBox are added to each
traversable text child. The default XmNaccelerators are defined in
the following list. The bindings for <Key><osfUp> and <Key><osfDown>
cannot be changed.

<Key> <osfUp>:

<Key> <osfDown>:

<KeyUp> <osfUp>:

<KeyUp> <osfDown>:

<Key> <osfLeft>:

<Key> <osfRight>:

<KeyUp> <osfLeft>:

<KeyUp> <osfRight>:

<Key> <osfBeginData>:

<Key> <osfEndData>:

Action Routines

The XmSpinBox action routines are as follows:

Visually arms the SpinBox by drawing the armed arrow so
that it appears to be depressed. This action is initiated
when the user presses <Btn1> while the pointer is within
the boundaries of either the increment or decrement arrow.
The arrow remains visually armed as long as <Btn1> remains

If the time period specified by XmNrepeatDelay is not
greater than zero milliseconds, nothing else happens while
<Btn1> remains depressed.

If the time period specified by XmNrepeatDelay is greater
than zero milliseconds, and the arrow is disarmed before
the time period specified by XmNinitialDelay has elapsed,
nothing else happens in this action.

If the time period specified by XmNrepeatDelay is greater
than zero milliseconds, and the arrow is still armed after
the time period specified by XmNinitialDelay has elapsed,
the following occurs:

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure,
XmSpinBoxCallbackStruct, is set to XmCR_SPIN_NEXT if
the increment arrow is armed, or to XmCR_SPIN_PRIOR
if the decrement arrow is armed.

+o The position member is set to the next position.

+o The doit member is set to True.

+o XmNmodifyVerifyCallback, if it exists, is invoked.
The application may change the value of position and
doit. If the application sets doit to False, nothing
else happens until the XmNrepeatDelay period has
elapsed, or until <Btn1> is released.

If doit remains set to True, the following occurs:

+o The value of XmNposition is changed to the value of
position in the SpinBox callback structure.

+o The text corresponding to the new position is
displayed in the traversable text child that
currently has focus.

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_SPIN_NEXT if the increment arrow is
armed, or XmCR_SPIN_PRIOR if the decrement arrow is

+o The position member is set to the current (new) value
of XmNposition.

+o XmNvalueChangedCallback, if it exists, is called.
SpinBox ignores any changes to position or doit
members made by XmNvalueChangedCallback.

These events are repeated each time the XmNrepeatDelay
period elapses and the arrow remains armed.

Visually disarms the SpinBox by drawing the previously
armed arrow so that it no longer appears to be depressed.

If the time period specified by XmNrepeatDelay is not
greater than zero milliseconds, or the time period
specified by XmNinitialDelay has not elapsed, the following
then occurs:

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure,
XmSpinBoxCallbackStruct, is set to XmCR_SPIN_NEXT if
the increment arrow is armed, or to XmCR_SPIN_PRIOR
if the decrement arrow is armed.

+o The position member is set to the next position.

+o The doit member is set to True.

+o The XmNmodifyVerifyCallback, if there is one, is
invoked. The application may change the value of
position and doit. If the application sets doit to
False, nothing else happens until the XmNrepeatDelay
period has elapsed, or until <Btn1> is released.

If doit remains set to True, the following occurs:

+o The value of XmNposition is changed to the value of
position in the SpinBox callback structure.

+o The text corresponding to the new position is
displayed in the traversable text child that
currently has focus.

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_SPIN_NEXT if the increment arrow is
armed, or XmCR_SPIN_PRIOR if the decrement arrow is

+o The position member is set to the current (new) value
of XmNposition.

+o XmNvalueChangedCallback, if it exists, is called.
SpinBox ignores any changes to position or doit
members made by an XmNvalueChangedCallback.

If an XmNvalueChangedCallback procedure is issued after the
button has been armed, regardless of the value of
XmNrepeatDelay or whether the XmNinitialDelay has expired:

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_OK.

+o The position member is set to the current value of

+o XmNvalueChangedCallback, if it exists, is called.

The following occurs:

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure,
XmSpinBoxCallbackStruct, is set to XmCR_SPIN_FIRST.

+o The position member is set to the first (0) position.

+o The doit member is set to True.

+o XmNmodifyVerifyCallback, if it exists, is invoked.
The application may change the value of position and
doit. If the application sets doit to False, nothing
else happens until the XmNrepeatDelay period has
elapsed, or until <Btn1> is released.

If doit remains set to True, the following occurs:

+o The value of XmNposition is changed to the value of
position in the SpinBox callback structure.

+o The text corresponding to the new position is
displayed in the traversable text child that
currently has focus.

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_SPIN_FIRST.

+o The position member is set to the current (new) value
of XmNposition.

+o XmNvalueChangedCallback, if it exists, is called.

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_OK.

+o The position member is set to the current (new)
XmNposition value.

+o The XmNvalueChangedCallback is called again. SpinBox
ignores any changes to position or doit members made
by XmNvalueChangedCallback.

The following occurs:

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure,
XmSpinBoxCallbackStruct, is set to XmCR_SPIN_LAST.

+o The position member is set to the last position.

+o The doit member is set to True.

+o XmNmodifyVerifyCallback, if it exists, is invoked.
The application may change the value of position and
doit. If the application sets doit to False, nothing
else happens until the XmNrepeatDelay period has
elapsed, or until <Btn1> is released.

If doit remains set to True, the following occurs:

+o The value of XmNposition is changed to the value of
position in the SpinBox callback structure.

+o The text corresponding to the new position is
displayed in the traversable text child that
currently has focus.

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_SPIN_LAST.

+o The position member is set to the current (new) value

+o XmNvalueChangedCallback, if it exists, is called.

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_OK.

+o The position member is set to the current (new) of

+o XmNvalueChangedCallback is called again. SpinBox
ignores any changes to the position or doit members
made by XmNvalueChangedCallback.

If the VendorShell resource XmNlayoutDirection is left-to-
right, the SpinBPrior action is invoked. Otherwise, the
SpinBNext action is invoked.

Visually arms the SpinBox by drawing the increment arrow so
that it appears to be depressed. The following occurs:

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure,
XmSpinBoxCallbackStruct, is set to XmCR_SPIN_NEXT.

+o The position member is set to the next position.

+o The doit member is set to True.

+o XmNmodifyVerifyCallback, if it exists, is invoked.
The application may change the value of position and
doit. If the application sets doit to False, nothing
else happens until the XmNrepeatDelay period has
elapsed, or until <Btn1> is released.

If doit remains set to True, the following occurs:

+o The value of XmNposition is changed to the value of
position in the SpinBox callback structure.

+o The text corresponding to the new position is
displayed in the traversable text child that
currently has focus.

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_SPIN_NEXT.

+o The position member is set to the current (new) value
of XmNposition.

+o XmNvalueChangedCallback, if it exists, is called.

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_OK.

+o The position member is set to the current (new)

+o The XmNvalueChangedCallback is called again. SpinBox
ignores any changes to position or doit members made
by XmNvalueChangedCallback.

Visually arms the SpinBox by drawing the decrement arrow so
that it appears to be depressed. The following occurs:

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure,
XmSpinBoxCallbackStruct, is set to XmCR_SPIN_PRIOR.

+o The position member is set to the next position.

+o The doit member is set to True.

+o XmNmodifyVerifyCallback, if it exists, is invoked.
The application may change the value of position and
doit. If the application sets doit to False, nothing
else happens until the XmNrepeatDelay period has
elapsed, or until <Btn1> is released.

If doit remains set to True, the following occurs:

+o The value of XmNposition is changed to the value of
position in the SpinBox callback structure.

+o The text corresponding to the new position is
displayed in the traversable text child that
currently has focus.

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_SPIN_PRIOR.

+o The position member is set to the current (new) value
of XmNposition.

+o XmNvalueChangedCallback, if it exists, is called.

+o The reason member of the SpinBox callback structure
is set to XmCR_OK.

+o The position member is set to the current (new) value
of XmNposition.

+o XmNvalueChangedCallback is called again. SpinBox
ignores any changes to position or doit members made
by XmNvalueChangedCallback.

If the VendorShell resource XmNlayoutDirection is left-to-
right, the SpinBNext action is invoked. Otherwise, the
SpinBPrior action is invoked.


Composite(3), Constraint(3), Core(3), XmCreateSpinBox(3),
XmManager(3), XmString(3), XmVaCreateSpinBox(3), and

XmSpinBox(library call)

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