XmStringGetNextSegment(library call) XmStringGetNextSegment(library call)
XmStringGetNextSegment -- A compound string function that fetches the
bytes in the next segment of a compound string
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
Boolean XmStringGetNextSegment(
XmStringContext context,
char **text,
XmStringTag *tag,
XmStringDirection *direction,
Boolean *separator);
This routine is obsolete and exists for compatibility with previous
releases. To read the contents of a compound string, read each
component of the string with
XmStringGetNextTriple. This
XmString function returns the type, length, and value of the next component in
the compound string.
XmStringGetNextSegment fetches the bytes in the
next segment; repeated calls fetch sequential segments. The
tag, and
direction of the fetched segment are returned each time. A
Boolean status is returned to indicate whether a valid segment was
successfully parsed.
If the function returns True, then the function allocates space to
hold the returned
text and
tag. The application is responsible for
managing the allocated space. The application can recover the
allocated space by calling
context Specifies the string context structure which was allocated
by the
XmStringInitContext function
text Specifies a pointer to a NULL-terminated string
tag Specifies a pointer to the font list element tag associated
with the text
direction Specifies a pointer to the direction of the text
separator Specifies whether the next component of the compound string
is a separator
Returns True if a valid segment is found.
XmStringCreate(3) and
XmStringGetNextSegment(library call)