XmTabCreate(library call) XmTabCreate(library call)


XmTabCreate -- A convenience function that creates a tab stop


#include <Xm/Xm.h>
XmTab XmTabCreate(
float value,
unsigned char units,
XmOffsetModel offset_model,
unsigned char alignment,
char *decimal);


XmTabCreate creates a tab stop at a position defined by the value and
units arguments.

value Specifies the floating point value to be used in
conjunction with units to calculate the location of the tab
stop. Note that negative values are not permitted.

units Specifies the unit type (for example, XmMILLIMETERS) to be
used in conjunction with value to calculate the location of
the tab stop. You can specify any unit described by the
XmConvertUnits reference page. For resources of type,
dimension, or position, you can specify units as described
in the XmNunitType resource of the XmGadget, XmManager, or
XmPrimitive reference page.

Specifies whether the tab value represents an absolute
position or a relative offset from the previous tab. Valid
values are XmABSOLUTE and XmRELATIVE.

alignment Specifies how the text should be aligned relative to this
tab stop. Valid values are XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING.

decimal Specifies the multibyte character in the current language
environment to be used as the decimal point for a decimal
aligned tab stop. This is currently unused.


Returns a newly allocated XmTab. The application is responsible for
managing this allocated space. The application can recover this
allocated space by calling XmTabFree.


XmTab(3) and XmTabFree(3).

XmTabCreate(library call)

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