libwget-dns-caching(3) Introduction to Library Functions
libwget-dns-caching - DNS caching
Data Structures
cache_entry struct
wget_dns_cache_st Functions
wget_dns_cache_init (
wget_dns_cache **cache)
wget_dns_cache_free (
wget_dns_cache **cache)
struct addrinfo *
wget_dns_cache_get (
wget_dns_cache *cache, const
char *host, uint16_t port)
wget_dns_cache_add (
wget_dns_cache *cache, const char *host,
uint16_t port, struct addrinfo **addrinfo)
Detailed Description DNS cache management functions.
Function Documentation int wget_dns_cache_init (wget_dns_cache ** cache) Parameters cache Pointer to return newly allocated and initialized
wget_dns_cache instance
Returns WGET_E_SUCCESS if OK, WGET_E_MEMORY if out-of-memory or
WGET_E_INVALID if the mutex initialization failed.
Allocates and initializes a wget_dns_cache instance.
void wget_dns_cache_free (wget_dns_cache ** cache) Parameters [in/out] cache Pointer to wget_dns_cache instance that will be
freed and NULLified.
Free the resources allocated by
struct addrinfo * wget_dns_cache_get (wget_dns_cache * cache, const char * host, uint16_t port) Parameters cache A wget_dns_cache
instance, created by wget_dns_cache_init(). host Hostname to look up port Port to look up Returns The cached addrinfo structure or NULL if not found
int wget_dns_cache_add (wget_dns_cache * cache, const char * host, uint16_t port, struct addrinfo ** addrinfo) Parameters cache A wget_dns_cache
instance, created by wget_dns_cache_init(). host Hostname part of the key port Port part of the key [in/out] addrinfo Addrinfo structure to cache, returns cached addrinfo Returns WGET_E_SUCCESS on success, else a WGET_E_* error value
This functions adds addrinfo to the given DNS cache cache.
If an entry for [host,port] already exists, addrinfo is free'd and
replaced by the cached entry. Do not free addrinfo yourself - this
will be done when the whole cache is freed.
Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for wget2 from the source code.
wget2 Version 2.2.0 libwget-dns-caching(3)