libwget-mem(3) Introduction to Library Functions libwget-mem(3)


libwget-mem - Memory functions



void * wget_memdup (const void *m, size_t n)
char * wget_strdup (const char *s)
char * wget_strmemdup (const void *m, size_t n)
size_t wget_strmemcpy (char *s, size_t ssize, const void *m, size_t
void * wget_strmemcpy_a (char *s, size_t ssize, const void *m, size_t

Detailed Description
This is a collections of short memory function not available in
standard libraries.

Function Documentation
void * wget_memdup (const void * m, size_t n)
m Memory to clone
n Length of memory

Cloned memory

Clone's the memory region m with length n. Returns NULL if m is NULL.

You should free() the returned pointer when not needed any more.

char * wget_strdup (const char * s)
s String to clone

Cloned string

Clone's the string s like strdup() does. Returns NULL if s is NULL.

You should free() the returned string when not needed any more.

char * wget_strmemdup (const void * m, size_t n)
m Memory to convert into string
n Length of memory

Created string

Convert the given memory region m with length n into a C string.
Returns NULL if m is NULL.

You should free() the returned string when not needed any more.

size_t wget_strmemcpy (char * s, size_t ssize, const void * m, size_t n)
s Buffer to hold the C string output
ssize Size of the output buffer
m Memory to read from
n Length of memory

Number of bytes copied, not counting the trailing 0 byte

Convert the given memory region m with length n into a C string at s.
A max. of ssize - 1 is copied into s.

void * wget_strmemcpy_a (char * s, size_t ssize, const void * m, size_t
s Buffer to hold the C string output
ssize Size of the output buffer
m Memory to read from
n Length of memory

Pointer to destination (either s or a freshly allocated buffer)

Convert the given memory region m with length n into a C string at s
or at freshly allocated memory, if the space in s was not sufficient.

If s was too small to hold n + 1 bytes, the result must be free'd
after use, e.g. if (res != s) wget_free(res);

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