libwget-robots(3) Introduction to Library Functions libwget-robots(3)
libwget-robots - Robots Exclusion file parser
Data Structures
wget_robots_st Macros
parse_record_field(d, f) parse_record_field(d, f,
sizeof(f) - 1)
wget_robots_parse (
wget_robots **_robots, const char *data, const
char *client)
wget_robots_free (
wget_robots **robots)
wget_robots_get_path_count (
wget_robots *robots)
wget_string *
wget_robots_get_path (
wget_robots *robots, int index)
wget_robots_get_sitemap_count (
wget_robots *robots)
const char *
wget_robots_get_sitemap (
wget_robots *robots, int index)
Detailed Description The purpose of this set of functions is to parse a Robots Exclusion
Standard file into a data structure for easy access.
Function Documentation int wget_robots_parse (wget_robots ** _robots, const char * data, const char * client) Parameters data Memory with robots.txt content (with trailing 0-byte)
client Name of the client / user-agent
Returns Return an allocated wget_robots structure or NULL on error
The function parses the robots.txt data in accordance to and returns a ROBOTS
structure including a list of the disallowed paths and including a
list of the sitemap files.
The ROBOTS structure has to be freed by calling
void wget_robots_free (wget_robots ** robots) Parameters robots Pointer to Pointer to wget_robots structure
wget_robots_free() free's the formerly allocated wget_robots
int wget_robots_get_path_count (wget_robots * robots) Parameters robots Pointer to instance of wget_robots
Returns Returns the number of paths listed in robots
wget_string * wget_robots_get_path (wget_robots * robots, int index) Parameters robots Pointer to instance of wget_robots
index Index of the wanted path
Returns Returns the path at index or NULL
int wget_robots_get_sitemap_count (wget_robots * robots) Parameters robots Pointer to instance of wget_robots
Returns Returns the number of sitemaps listed in robots
const char * wget_robots_get_sitemap (wget_robots * robots, int index) Parameters robots Pointer to instance of wget_robots
index Index of the wanted sitemap URL
Returns Returns the sitemap URL at index or NULL
Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for wget2 from the source code.
wget2 Version 2.2.0 libwget-robots(3)