GENERIC_EVENTS(3CPC) CPU Performance Counters Library Functions
generic_events - generic performance counter events
The Solaris
cpc(3CPC) subsystem implements a number of predefined,
generic performance counter events. Each generic event maps onto a
single platform specific event and one or more optional attributes.
Each hardware platform only need support a subset of the total set of
generic events.
The defined generic events are:
PAPI_br_cn Conditional branch instructions
PAPI_br_ins Branch instructions taken
PAPI_br_msp Conditional branch instructions mispredicted
PAPI_br_ntk Conditional branch instructions not taken
PAPI_br_prc Conditional branch instructions correctly predicted
PAPI_br_ucn Unconditional branch instructions
PAPI_bru_idl Cycles branch units are idle
PAPI_btac_m Branch target address cache misses
PAPI_ca_cln Requests for exclusive access to clean cache line
PAPI_ca_inv Requests for cache invalidation
PAPI_ca_itv Requests for cache line intervention
PAPI_ca_shr Request for exclusive access to shared cache line
PAPI_ca_snp Request for cache snoop
PAPI_csr_fal Failed conditional store instructions
PAPI_csr_suc Successful conditional store instructions
PAPI_csr_tot Total conditional store instructions
PAPI_fad_ins Floating point add instructions
PAPI_fdv_ins Floating point divide instructions
PAPI_fma_ins Floating point multiply and add instructions
PAPI_fml_ins Floating point multiply instructions
PAPI_fnv_ins Floating point inverse instructions
PAPI_fp_ops Floating point operations
PAPI_fp_stal Cycles the floating point unit stalled
PAPI_fpu_idl Cycles the floating point units are idle
PAPI_fsq_ins Floating point sqrt instructions
PAPI_ful_ccy Cycles with maximum instructions completed
PAPI_ful_icy Cycles with maximum instruction issue
PAPI_fxu_idl Cycles when units are idle
PAPI_hw_int Hardware interrupts
PAPI_int_ins Integer instructions
PAPI_tot_cyc Total cycles
PAPI_tot_iis Instructions issued
PAPI_tot_ins Instructions completed
PAPI_vec_ins VectorSIMD instructions
PAPI_l1_dca Level 1 data cache accesses
PAPI_l1_dch Level 1 data cache hits
PAPI_l1_dcm Level 1 data cache misses
PAPI_l1_dcr Level 1 data cache reads
PAPI_l1_dcw Level 1 data cache writes
PAPI_l1_ica Level 1 instruction cache accesses
PAPI_l1_ich Level 1 instruction cache hits
PAPI_l1_icm Level 1 instruction cache misses
PAPI_l1_icr Level 1 instruction cache reads
PAPI_l1_icw Level 1 instruction cache writes
PAPI_l1_ldm Level 1 cache load misses
PAPI_l1_stm Level 1 cache store misses
PAPI_l1_tca Level 1 cache accesses
PAPI_l1_tch Level 1 cache hits
PAPI_l1_tcm Level 1 cache misses
PAPI_l1_tcr Level 1 cache reads
PAPI_l1_tcw Level 1 cache writes
PAPI_l2_dca Level 2 data cache accesses
PAPI_l2_dch Level 2 data cache hits
PAPI_l2_dcm Level 2 data cache misses
PAPI_l2_dcr Level 2 data cache reads
PAPI_l2_dcw Level 2 data cache writes
PAPI_l2_ica Level 2 instruction cache accesses
PAPI_l2_ich Level 2 instruction cache hits
PAPI_l2_icm Level 2 instruction cache misses
PAPI_l2_icr Level 2 instruction cache reads
PAPI_l2_icw Level 2 instruction cache writes
PAPI_l2_ldm Level 2 cache load misses
PAPI_l2_stm Level 2 cache store misses
PAPI_l2_tca Level 2 cache accesses
PAPI_l2_tch Level 2 cache hits
PAPI_l2_tcm Level 2 cache misses
PAPI_l2_tcr Level 2 cache reads
PAPI_l2_tcw Level 2 cache writes
PAPI_l3_dca Level 3 data cache accesses
PAPI_l3_dch Level 3 data cache hits
PAPI_l3_dcm Level 3 data cache misses
PAPI_l3_dcr Level 3 data cache reads
PAPI_l3_dcw Level 3 data cache writes
PAPI_l3_ica Level 3 instruction cache accesses
PAPI_l3_ich Level 3 instruction cache hits
PAPI_l3_icm Level 3 instruction cache misses
PAPI_l3_icr Level 3 instruction cache reads
PAPI_l3_icw Level 3 instruction cache writes
PAPI_l3_ldm Level 3 cache load misses
PAPI_l3_stm Level 3 cache store misses
PAPI_l3_tca Level 3 cache accesses
PAPI_l3_tch Level 3 cache hits
PAPI_l3_tcm Level 3 cache misses
PAPI_l3_tcr Level 3 cache reads
PAPI_l3_tcw Level 3 cache writes
PAPI_ld_ins Load Instructions
PAPI_lst_ins Loadstore Instructions
PAPI_lsu_idl Cycles load store units are idle
PAPI_mem_rcy Cycles stalled waiting for memory reads
PAPI_mem_scy Cycles stalled waiting for memory accesses
PAPI_mem_wcy Cycles stalled waiting for memory writes
PAPI_prf_dm Data prefetch cache misses
PAPI_res_stl Cycles stalled on any resource
PAPI_sr_ins Store Instructions
PAPI_stl_ccy Cycles with no instructions completed
PAPI_syc_ins Synchronization instructions completed
PAPI_tlb_dm Data TLB misses
PAPI_tlb_im Instruction TLB misses
PAPI_tlb_sd TLB shootdowns
PAPI_tlb_tl Total TLB misses
The tables below define mappings of generic events to platform events
and any associated attribute for all supported platforms.
AMD Opteron Family 0xF Processor Generic Event Platform Event Unit Mask
PAPI_br_ins FR_retired_branches_w_excp_intr 0x0
PAPI_br_msp FR_retired_branches_mispred 0x0
PAPI_br_tkn FR_retired_taken_branches 0x0
PAPI_fp_ops FP_dispatched_fpu_ops 0x3
PAPI_fad_ins FP_dispatched_fpu_ops 0x1
PAPI_fml_ins FP_dispatched_fpu_ops 0x2
PAPI_fpu_idl FP_cycles_no_fpu_ops_retired 0x0
PAPI_tot_cyc BU_cpu_clk_unhalted 0x0
PAPI_tot_ins FR_retired_x86_instr_w_excp_intr 0x0
PAPI_l1_dca DC_access 0x0
PAPI_l1_dcm DC_miss 0x0
PAPI_l1_ldm DC_refill_from_L2 0xe
PAPI_l1_stm DC_refill_from_L2 0x10
PAPI_l1_ica IC_fetch 0x0
PAPI_l1_icm IC_miss 0x0
PAPI_l1_icr IC_fetch 0x0
PAPI_l2_dch DC_refill_from_L2 0x1e
PAPI_l2_dcm DC_refill_from_system 0x1e
PAPI_l2_dcr DC_refill_from_L2 0xe
PAPI_l2_dcw DC_refill_from_L2 0x10
PAPI_l2_ich IC_refill_from_L2 0x0
PAPI_l2_icm IC_refill_from_system 0x0
PAPI_l2_ldm DC_refill_from_system 0xe
PAPI_l2_stm DC_refill_from_system 0x10
PAPI_res_stl FR_dispatch_stalls 0x0
PAPI_stl_icy FR_nothing_to_dispatch 0x0
PAPI_hw_int FR_taken_hardware_intrs 0x0
PAPI_tlb_dm DC_dtlb_L1_miss_L2_miss 0x0
PAPI_tlb_im IC_itlb_L1_miss_L2_miss 0x0
PAPI_fp_ins FR_retired_fpu_instr 0xd
PAPI_vec_ins FR_retired_fpu_instr 0x4
AMD Opteron Family 0x10 Processors Generic Event Platform Event Event Mask
PAPI_br_ins FR_retired_branches_w_excp_intr 0x0
PAPI_br_msp FR_retired_branches_mispred 0x0
PAPI_br_tkn FR_retired_taken_branches 0x0
PAPI_fp_ops FP_dispatched_fpu_ops 0x3
PAPI_fad_ins FP_dispatched_fpu_ops 0x1
PAPI_fml_ins FP_dispatched_fpu_ops 0x2
PAPI_fpu_idl FP_cycles_no_fpu_ops_retired 0x0
PAPI_tot_cyc BU_cpu_clk_unhalted 0x0
PAPI_tot_ins FR_retired_x86_instr_w_excp_intr 0x0
PAPI_l1_dca DC_access 0x0
PAPI_l1_dcm DC_miss 0x0
PAPI_l1_ldm DC_refill_from_L2 0xe
PAPI_l1_stm DC_refill_from_L2 0x10
PAPI_l1_ica IC_fetch 0x0
PAPI_l1_icm IC_miss 0x0
PAPI_l1_icr IC_fetch 0x0
PAPI_l2_dch DC_refill_from_L2 0x1e
PAPI_l2_dcm DC_refill_from_system 0x1e
PAPI_l2_dcr DC_refill_from_L2 0xe
PAPI_l2_dcw DC_refill_from_L2 0x10
PAPI_l2_ich IC_refill_from_L2 0x0
PAPI_l2_icm IC_refill_from_system 0x0
PAPI_l2_ldm DC_refill_from_system 0xe
PAPI_l2_stm DC_refill_from_system 0x10
PAPI_res_stl FR_dispatch_stalls 0x0
PAPI_stl_icy FR_nothing_to_dispatch 0x0
PAPI_hw_int FR_taken_hardware_intrs 0x0
PAPI_tlb_dm DC_dtlb_L1_miss_L2_miss 0x7
PAPI_tlb_im IC_itlb_L1_miss_L2_miss 0x3
PAPI_fp_ins FR_retired_fpu_instr 0xd
PAPI_vec_ins FR_retired_fpu_instr 0x4
PAPI_l3_dcr L3_read_req 0xf1
PAPI_l3_icr L3_read_req 0xf2
PAPI_l3_tcr L3_read_req 0xf7
PAPI_l3_stm L3_miss 0xf4
PAPI_l3_ldm L3_miss 0xf3
PAPI_l3_tcm L3_miss 0xf7
Intel Pentium IV Processor
Generic Event Platform Event Event Mask
PAPI_br_msp branch_retired 0xa
PAPI_br_ins branch_retired 0xf
PAPI_br_tkn branch_retired 0xc
PAPI_br_ntk branch_retired 0x3
PAPI_br_prc branch_retired 0x5
PAPI_tot_ins instr_retired 0x3
PAPI_tot_cyc global_power_events 0x1
PAPI_tlb_dm page_walk_type 0x1
PAPI_tlb_im page_walk_type 0x2
PAPI_tlb_tm page_walk_type 0x3
PAPI_l2_ldm BSQ_cache_reference 0x100
PAPI_l2_stm BSQ_cache_reference 0x400
PAPI_l2_tcm BSQ_cache_reference 0x500
Intel Pentium Pro/II/III Processor Generic Event Platform Event Event Mask
PAPI_ca_shr l2_ifetch 0xf
PAPI_ca_cln bus_tran_rfo 0x0
PAPI_ca_itv bus_tran_inval 0x0
PAPI_tlb_im itlb_miss 0x0
PAPI_btac_m btb_misses 0x0
PAPI_hw_int hw_int_rx 0x0
PAPI_br_cn br_inst_retired 0x0
PAPI_br_tkn br_taken_retired 0x0
PAPI_br_msp br_miss_pred_taken_ret 0x0
PAPI_br_ins br_inst_retired 0x0
PAPI_res_stl resource_stalls 0x0
PAPI_tot_iis inst_decoder 0x0
PAPI_tot_ins inst_retired 0x0
PAPI_tot_cyc cpu_clk_unhalted 0x0
PAPI_l1_dcm dcu_lines_in 0x0
PAPI_l1_icm l2_ifetch 0xf
PAPI_l1_tcm l2_rqsts 0xf
PAPI_l1_dca data_mem_refs 0x0
PAPI_l1_ldm l2_ld 0xf
PAPI_l1_stm l2_st 0xf
PAPI_l2_icm bus_tran_ifetch 0x0
PAPI_l2_dcr l2_ld 0xf
PAPI_l2_dcw l2_st 0xf
PAPI_l2_tcm l2_lines_in 0x0
PAPI_l2_tca l2_rqsts 0xf
PAPI_l2_tcw l2_st 0xf
PAPI_l2_stm l2_m_lines_inm 0x0
PAPI_fp_ins flops 0x0
PAPI_fp_ops flops 0x0
PAPI_fml_ins mul 0x0
PAPI_fdv_ins div 0x0
UltraSPARC I/II Processor Generic Event Platform Event
PAPI_tot_cyc Cycle_cnt PAPI_tot_ins Instr_cnt PAPI_tot_iis Instr_cnt PAPI_l1_dcr DC_rd PAPI_l1_dcw DC_wr PAPI_l1_ica IC_ref PAPI_l1_ich IC_hit PAPI_l2_tca EC_ref PAPI_l2_dch EC_rd_hit PAPI_l2_tch EC_hit PAPI_l2_ich EC_ic_hit PAPI_ca_inv EC_snoop_inv PAPI_br_msp Dispatch0_mispred PAPI_ca_snp EC_snoop_cb UltraSPARC III/IIIi/IV Processor Generic Event Platform Event
PAPI_tot_cyc Cycle_cnt PAPI_tot_ins Instr_cnt PAPI_tot_iis Instr_cnt PAPI_fma_ins FA_pipe_completion PAPI_fml_ins FM_pipe_completion PAPI_l1_dcr DC_rd PAPI_l1_dcw DC_wr PAPI_l1_ica IC_ref PAPI_l1_icm IC_miss PAPI_l2_tca EC_ref PAPI_l2_ldm EC_rd_miss PAPI_l2_tcm EC_misses PAPI_l2_icm EC_ic_miss PAPI_tlb_dm DTLB_miss PAPI_tlb_im ITLB_miss PAPI_br_ntk IU_Stat_Br_count_untaken PAPI_br_msp Dispatch0_mispred PAPI_br_tkn IU_Stat_Br_count_taken PAPI_ca_inv EC_snoop_inv PAPI_ca_snp EC_snoop_cb UltraSPARC IV+ Processor Generic Event Platform Event
PAPI_tot_cyc Cycle_cnt PAPI_tot_ins Instr_cnt PAPI_tot_iis Instr_cnt PAPI_fma_ins FA_pipe_completion PAPI_fml_ins FM_pipe_completion PAPI_l1_dcr DC_rd PAPI_l1_stm DC_wr_miss PAPI_l1_ica IC_ref PAPI_l1_icm IC_L2_req PAPI_l1_ldm DC_rd_miss PAPI_l1_dcw DC_wr PAPI_l2_tca L2_ref PAPI_l2_ldm L2_rd_miss PAPI_l2_icm L2_IC_miss PAPI_l2_stm L2_write_miss PAPI_l2_tcm L2_miss PAPI_l3_tcm L3_miss PAPI_l3_icm L3_IC_miss PAPI_l3_ldm L3_rd_miss PAPI_tlb_im ITLB_miss PAPI_tlb_dm DTLB_miss PAPI_br_tkn IU_stat_br_count_taken PAPI_br_ntk IU_stat_br_count_untaken Niagara T1 Processor Generic Event Platform Event
PAPI_tot_cyc Cycle_cnt PAPI_l2_icm L2_imiss PAPI_l2_ldm L2_dmiss_ld PAPI_fp_ops FP_instr_cnt PAPI_l1_icm IC_miss PAPI_l1_dcm DC_miss PAPI_tlb_im ITLB_miss PAPI_tlb_dm DTLB_miss Niagara T2 Processor Generic Event Platform Event
PAPI_tot_ins Instr_cnt PAPI_l1_dcm DC_miss PAPI_l1_icm IC_miss PAPI_l2_icm L2_imiss PAPI_l2_ldm L2_dmiss_ld PAPI_tlb_dm DTLB_miss PAPI_tlb_im ITLB_miss PAPI_tlb_tm TLB_miss PAPI_br_tkn Br_taken PAPI_br_ins Br_completed PAPI_ld_ins Instr_ld PAPI_sr_ins Instr_st SPARC64 VI/VII Processor Generic Event Platform Event
PAPI_tot_cyc cycle_counts PAPI_tot_ins instruction_counts PAPI_br_tkn branch_instructions PAPI_fp_ops floating_instructions PAPI_fma_ins impdep2_instructions PAPI_l1_dcm op_r_iu_req_mi_go PAPI_l1_icm if_r_iu_req_mi_go PAPI_tlb_dm trap_DMMU_miss PAPI_tlb_im trap_IMMU_missATTRIBUTES
attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:
|Interface Stability | Volatile |
Generic names prefixed with "PAPI_" are taken from the University of
Tennessee's PAPI project,
October 8, 2008 GENERIC_EVENTS(3CPC)