DLPI_RECV(3DLPI) Data Link Provider Interface Library Functions


dlpi_recv - receive a data message using DLPI


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -ldlpi [ library ... ]
#include <libdlpi.h>

int dlpi_recv(dlpi_handle_t dh, void *saddrp,
size_t * saddrlenp, void *msgbuf, size_t *msglenp,
int msec, dlpi_recvinfo_t *recvp);


The dlpi_recv() function attempts to receive data messages over the
DLPI link instance associated with the DLPI handle dh. If dh is not
in the DL_IDLE DLPI state, the attempt fails. The caller must ensure
that msgbuf is at least msglenp bytes in size. Upon success, msgbuf
contains the data message received, msglenp contains the number of
bytes placed in msgbuf.

The caller must ensure that saddrp is at least DLPI_PHYSADDR_MAX
bytes in size and saddrlenp must contain the length of saddrp. Upon
success, saddrp contains the address of the source sending the data
message and saddrlenp contains the source address length. If the
caller is not interested in the source address, both saddrp and
saddrlenp can be left as NULL. If the source address is not
available, saddrp is not filled in and saddrlenp is set to zero.

The dlpi_recvinfo_t is a structure defined in <libdlpi.h> as follows:

typedef struct {
uchar_t dri_destaddr[DLPI_PHYSADDR_MAX];
uchar_t dri_destaddrlen;
dlpi_addrtype_t dri_destaddrtype;
size_t dri_totmsglen;
} dlpi_recvinfo_t;

Upon success, if recvp is not set to NULL, dri_destaddr contains the
destination address, dri_destaddrlen contains the destination address
length, and dri_totmsglen contains the total length of the message
received. If the destination address is unicast, dri_destaddrtype is
set to DLPI_ADDRTYPE_UNICAST. Otherwise, it is set to

The values of msglenp and dri_totmsglen might vary when a message
larger than the size of msgbuf is received. In that case, the caller
can use dri_totmsglen to determine the original total length of the

If the handle is in raw mode, as described in dlpi_open(3DLPI),
msgbuf starts with the link-layer header. See dlpi(4P). The values of
saddrp, saddrlenp, and all the members of dlpi_recvinfo_t except
dri_totmsglen are invalid because the address information is already
included in the link-layer header returned by msgbuf.

If no message is received within msec milliseconds, dlpi_recv()
returns DLPI_ETIMEDOUT. If msec is 0, dlpi_recv() does not block. If
msec is -1, dlpi_recv() does block until a data message is received.


Upon success, DLPI_SUCCESS is returned. If DL_SYSERR is returned,
errno contains the specific UNIX system error value. Otherwise, a
DLPI error value defined in <sys/dlpi.h> or an error value listed in
the following section is returned.


Bad DLPI message

Invalid DLPI handle

Invalid argument

DLPI operation timed out

Unavailable DLPI SAP

DLPI operation failed


See attributes(7) for description of the following attributes:

|Interface Stability | Committed |
|MT-Level | Safe |


dlpi_bind(3DLPI), dlpi_open(3DLPI), libdlpi(3LIB), dlpi(4P),

August 22, 2007 DLPI_RECV(3DLPI)

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