TIMEZONE(5) File Formats and Configurations TIMEZONE(5)


timezone - default timezone data base




The timezone file contains information regarding the default timezone
for each host in a domain. Alternatively, a single default line for
the entire domain may be specified. Each entry has the format:

Timezone-name official-host-or-domain-name

Items are separated by any number of blanks and/or TAB characters. A
`#' indicates the beginning of a comment; characters up to the end of
the line are not interpreted by routines which search the file. The
timezone is a pathname relative to the directory

This file is not actually referenced by any system software; it is
merely used as a source file to construct the NIS timezone.byname
map, which was used by the installer in older releases of Solaris.

The timezone file does not set the timezone environment variable TZ.
See TIMEZONE(5) for information to set the TZ environment variable.


Example 1: Typical timezone line

Here is a typical line from the /etc/timezone file:

US/Eastern East.Example.COM #Host on East Coast





November 22, 2021 TIMEZONE(5)

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