SYSINFO(2) System Calls SYSINFO(2)


sysinfo - get and set system information strings


#include <sys/systeminfo.h>

int sysinfo(int command, char *buf, long count);


The sysinfo() function copies information relating to the operating
system on which the process is executing into the buffer pointed to
by buf. It can also set certain information where appropriate
commands are available. The count parameter indicates the size of the

The POSIX P1003.1 interface (see standards(7)) sysconf(3C) provides a
similar class of configuration information, but returns an integer
rather than a string.

The values for command are as follows:


Copy into the array pointed to by buf the string that would be
returned by uname(2) in the sysname field. This is the name of
the implementation of the operating system, for example, SunOS or


Copy into the array pointed to by buf a string that names the
present host machine. This is the string that would be returned
by uname() in the nodename field. This hostname or nodename is
often the name the machine is known by locally. The hostname is
the name of this machine as a node in some network. Different
networks might have different names for the node, but presenting
the nodename to the appropriate network directory or name-to-
address mapping service should produce a transport end point
address. The name might not be fully qualified. Internet host
names can be up to 256 bytes in length (plus the terminating


Copy the null-terminated contents of the array pointed to by buf
into the string maintained by the kernel whose value will be
returned by succeeding calls to sysinfo() with the command
SI_HOSTNAME. This command requires that {PRIV_SYS_ADMIN} is
asserted in the effective set of the calling process.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf the string that would be
returned by uname(2) in the release field. Typical values might
be 5.2 or 4.1.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf the string that would be
returned by uname(2) in the version field. The syntax and
semantics of this string are defined by the system provider.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf the string that would be
returned by uname(2) in the machine field, for example, sun4u.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf a string describing the
basic instruction set architecture of the current system, for
example, sparc, mc68030, m32100, or i386. These names might not
match predefined names in the C language compilation system.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf a string describing the
64-bit instruction set architecture of the current system, for
example, sparcv9 or amd64. These names might not match
predefined names in the C language compilation system. This
subcode is not recognized on systems that do not allow a 64-bit
application to run.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf a string describing the
32-bit instruction set architecture of the current system, for
example, sparc or i386. These names might not match predefined
names in the C language compilation system.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf a string describing the
kernel instruction set architecture of the current system for
example sparcv9 or i386. These names might not match predefined
names in the C language compilation system.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf a string describing the
native instruction set architecture of the current system, for
example sparcv9 or i386. These names might not match predefined
names in the C language compilation system.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf a string describing the
number of bits in the address space of the native instruction
set; e.g., 32 or 64.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf the names of the variant
instruction set architectures executable on the current system.

The names are space-separated and are ordered in the sense of
best performance. That is, earlier-named instruction sets might
contain more instructions than later-named instruction sets; a
program that is compiled for an earlier-named instruction set
will most likely run faster on this machine than the same program
compiled for a later-named instruction set.

Programs compiled for an instruction set that does not appear in
the list will most likely experience performance degradation or
not run at all on this machine.

The instruction set names known to the system are listed in
isalist(7); these names might not match predefined names or
compiler options in the C language compilation system.

This command is obsolete and might be removed in a future
release. See getisax(2) and the Linker and Libraries Guide for a
better way to handle instruction set extensions.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf a string describing the
specific model of the hardware platform, for example, SUNW,Sun-
Blade-1500, SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200, or i86pc.


Copies the name of the hardware manufacturer into the array
pointed to by buf.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf a string which is the ASCII
representation of the hardware-specific serial number of the
physical machine on which the function is executed. This might be
implemented in Read-Only Memory, using software constants set
when building the operating system, or by other means, and might
contain non-numeric characters. If the function is executed
within a non-global zone that emulates a host identifier, then
the ASCII representation of the zone's host identifier is copied
into the array pointed to by buf. It is anticipated that
manufacturers will not issue the same "serial number" to more
than one physical machine. The pair of strings returned by
SI_HW_PROVIDER and SI_HW_SERIAL is not guaranteed to be unique
across all vendor's SVR4 implementations and could change over
the lifetime of a given system.


Copies the Secure Remote Procedure Call domain name into the
array pointed to by buf.


Set the string to be returned by sysinfo() with the
SI_SRPC_DOMAIN command to the value contained in the array
pointed to by buf. This command requires that {PRIV_SYS_ADMIN} is
asserted in the effective set of the calling process.


Copy into the array pointed to by buf an ASCII string consisting
of the ASCII hexadecimal encoding of the name of the interface
configured by boot(8) followed by the DHCPACK reply from the
server. This command is intended for use only by the dhcpagent(8)
DHCP client daemon for the purpose of adopting the DHCP
maintenance of the interface configured by boot.


Upon successful completion, the value returned indicates the buffer
size in bytes required to hold the complete value and the terminating
null character. If this value is no greater than the value passed in
count, the entire string was copied. If this value is greater than
count, the string copied into buf has been truncated to count-1
bytes plus a terminating null character.

Otherwise, -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.


The sysinfo() function will fail if:

The buf argument does not point to a valid address.

The count argument for a non-SET command is less than 0 or
the data for a SET command exceeds the limits established
by the implementation.

The {PRIV_SYS_ADMIN} was not asserted in the effective set
of the calling process.


In many cases there is no corresponding programming interface to set
these values; such strings are typically settable only by the system
administrator modifying entries in the /etc/system directory or the
code provided by the particular OEM reading a serial number or code
out of read-only memory, or hard-coded in the version of the
operating system.

A good estimation for count is 257, which is likely to cover all
strings returned by this interface in typical installations.


getisax(2), uname(2), gethostid(3C), gethostname(3C), sysconf(3C),
isalist(7), privileges(7), standards(7), zones(7), boot(8),

Linker and Libraries Guide

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