DAT_EVD_DEQUEUE(3DAT) Direct Access Transport Library Functions


dat_evd_dequeue - remove the first event from the Event Dispatcher
event queue


cc [ flag... ] file... -ldat [ library... ]
#include <dat/udat.h>

IN DAT_EVD_HANDLE evd_handle,


Handle for an instance of the Event Dispatcher.

Pointer to the Consumer-allocated structure that
Provider fills with the event data.


The dat_evd_dequeue() function removes the first event from the Event
Dispatcher event queue and fills the Consumer allocated event
structure with event data. The first element in this structure
provides the type of the event; the rest provides the event-type-
specific parameters. The Consumer should allocate an event structure
big enough to hold any event that the Event Dispatcher can deliver.

For all events the Provider fills the dat_event that the Consumer
allocates. So for all events, all fields of dat_event are OUT from
the Consumer point of view. For DAT_CONNECTION_REQUEST_EVENT, the
Provider creates a Connection Request whose cr_handle is returned to
the Consumer in DAT_CR_ARRIVAL_EVENT_DATA. That object is destroyed
by the Provider as part of dat_cr_accept(3DAT), dat_cr_reject(3DAT),
or dat_cr_handoff(3DAT). The Consumer should not use cr_handle or any
of its parameters, including private_data, after one of these
operations destroys the Connection Request.

connection establishment, the Provider returns the pointer for
private_data and the private_data_size. For the Passive side,
DAT_CONNECTION_EVENT_ESTABLISHED event private_data is not defined
and private_data_size returns zero. The Provider is responsible for
the memory allocation and deallocation for private_data. The
private_data is valid until the Active side Consumer destroys the
connected Endpoint (dat_ep_free(3DAT)), or transitions the Endpoint
into Unconnected state so it is ready for the next connection. So
while the Endpoint is in Connected, Disconnect Pending, or
Disconnected state, the private_data of DAT_CONNECTION_REQUEST_EVENT
is still valid for Active side Consumers.

Provider must pass to the Consumer the entire Private Data that the
remote Consumer provided for dat_ep_connect(3DAT),
dat_ep_dup_connect(3DAT), and dat_cr_accept(). If the Consumer
provides more data than the Provider and Transport can support
(larger than IA Attribute of max_private_data_size),
DAT_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned for that operation.

The returned event that was posted from an Event Stream guarantees
Consumers that all events that were posted from the same Event Stream
prior to the returned event were already returned to a Consumer
directly through a dat_evd_dequeue() or dat_evd_wait(3DAT) operation.

The ordering of events dequeued by overlapping calls to
dat_evd_wait() or dat_evd_dequeue() is not specified.


The operation was successful. An event was
returned to a Consumer.

Invalid DAT handle; evd_handle is invalid.

There are no entries on the Event Dispatcher

One of the parameters was invalid for this
operation. There is already a waiter on the


No matter how many contexts attempt to dequeue from an Event
Dispatcher, each event is delivered exactly once. However, which
Consumer receives which event is not defined. The Provider is not
obligated to provide the first caller the first event unless it is
the only caller. The Provider is not obligated to ensure that the
caller receiving the first event executes earlier than contexts
receiving later events.

Preservation of event ordering within an Event Stream is an important
feature of the DAT Event Model. Consumers are cautioned that
overlapping or concurrent calls to dat_evd_dequeue() from multiple
contexts can undermine this ordering information. After multiple
contexts are involved, the Provider can only guarantee the order that
it delivers events into the EVD. The Provider cannot guarantee that
they are processed in the correct order.

Although calling dat_evd_dequeue() does not cause a context switch,
the Provider is under no obligation to prevent one. A context could
successfully complete a dequeue, and then reach the end of its
timeslice, before returning control to the Consumer code. Meanwhile,
a context receiving a later event could be executing.

The Event ordering is preserved when dequeueing is serialized.
Potential Consumer serialization methods include, but are not limited
to, performing all dequeueing from a single context or protecting
dequeueing by way of lock or semaphore.


See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

|Interface Stability | Standard: uDAPL, 1.1, 1.2 |
|MT-Level | Safe |


dat_cr_accept(3DAT), dat_cr_handoff(3DAT), dat_cr_reject(3DAT),
dat_ep_connect(3DAT), dat_ep_dup_connect(3DAT), dat_ep_free(3DAT),
dat_evd_wait(3DAT), libdat(3LIB), attributes(7)

July 16, 2004 DAT_EVD_DEQUEUE(3DAT)

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