> Software overlays
The following overlays are available for installation, using the
zap utility. Those marked with [*] can be
directly installed from the downloaded ISO without needing to
contact the online repository.
- abiword - AbiWord word processor [*]
- all-1394-drivers - All IEEE1394/Firewire Drivers [*]
- all-audio-drivers - All Audio Drivers [*]
- all-crypto-drivers - All Crypto Drivers [*]
- all-fabric-drivers - All Fabric Drivers
- all-locales - All Locales [*]
- all-network-drivers - All Network Drivers [*]
- all-serial-drivers - All USB Serial Drivers [*]
- all-storage-drivers - All Storage Drivers [*]
- all-xorg-drivers - All Xorg Drivers [*]
- amp-stack - AMP stack
- autotools - The GNU autotools
- awesome - awesome window manager
- awscli - AWS CLI utilities
- b2 - Backblaze B2 CLI utilities
- backup-utilities - Backup Utilities
- base-cloud - Base packages, for cloud/virtual
- base-extras - Extra generic packages, atop the base
- base-iso - Base packages, in the live image [*]
- base-server - Base packages, for server hardware [*]
- base - Base packages, not in the live image [*]
- benchmark - Benchmarking and performance tools
- bhyve - bhyve
- boot-server - Boot/install server
- borg - BorgBackup
- cde - CDE, the Common Desktop Environment
- clang - LLVM and clang
- cli-tools-extras - Extra CLI tools
- cli-tools - Common CLI tools [*]
- cloud-clients - Clients for interacting with clouds
- cloudsec - Cloud Security Tools
- compression-utilities - Compression/decompression utilities
- core-tribblix - Core Tribblix Software [*]
- dask - Dask parallel computing library
- dbus-glib - Common packages for dbus and glib [*]
- desktop-mail - Desktop Mail Clients [*]
- desktop-publishing - Desktop Publishing Tools
- desktop-wallpaper - Desktop wallpaper for Xfce and MATE
- desktop - Standard Desktop [*]
- develop-extras - Extra Development Tools
- develop - Development Tools [*]
- dlna - Applications for DLNA and UPNP
- dmarc - DMARC analysis
- e19 - Enlightenment E19
- ec2-baseline - Baseline for EC2 AMI, do not use elsewhere
- ede - Equinox Desktop Environment
- emulators - Emulators
- fortran - The gcc fortran compiler
- game-emulators - Game system emulators
- gapi - Google Cloud API
- gemini-clients - Gemini clients
- gimp - GIMP
- gnumeric - GNUmeric [*]
- gnupg2 - GnuPG version 2 [*]
- go - The GO programming language
- graphical - Graphical display and analysis
- groovy - Groovy
- gstreamer1 - GStreamer 1.0 and codecs [*]
- gtk2 - GTK2 [*]
- gtk3 - GTK3 [*]
- httpie - httpie
- httpx - httpx
- i3 - I3 tiling window manager
- illumos-build - Illumos Build Environment
- illumos-docs - Illumos Docs Environment
- imaging - Utilities for handling images
- inkscape - Inkscape
- ipython - IPython - An enhanced Interactive Python
- java-desktop - Desktop Utilities requiring Java
- java-develop-extras - Extra java developer tools
- java-developer - Java oriented developer tools
- java-fun - Java Fun
- java-prerequisite - Java Prerequisites [*]
- java - Java OpenJDK [*]
- java11 - Java OpenJDK 11
- java17 - Java OpenJDK 17
- java21 - Java OpenJDK 21
- java8 - Java OpenJDK 8
- jruby - JRuby
- jupyter - JupyterLab and the Jupyter Notebook
- kitchen-sink - Everything but the kitchen sink [*]
- language-extras - Extra programming languages
- legacy-audio - Legacy audio tools and samples [*]
- libreoffice - LibreOffice Office Suite
- lightweight-desktop - Lightweight Desktop Tools [*]
- mate - The MATE Desktop
- modern-cli-tools - Modern CLI tools [*]
- monitoring-extras - Extra Monitoring Utilities
- monitoring - Monitoring utilities
- mosh - Mobile Shell
- motif-apps-extras - Extra Motif applications
- motif-apps - Motif applications
- motif - Motif toolkit
- multimedia - Some multimedia utilities
- nameserver - BIND name server
- networked-system - Networked systems integration
- node-v20 - Node.js, v20
- node-v22 - Node.js, v22
- ocr - OCR utilities
- openjdk-build - OpenJDK builder
- openlook - Open Look
- pandas - Pandas, with extra modules
- patroni - Patroni
- pelican - Pelican static site generator and importer
- perl-developer - Perl oriented developer tools
- pidgin - Pidgin
- pkgsrc - Pkgsrc bootstrap
- plan9 - Plan9 from User Space
- postgis - PostGIS
- postgres-utils - PostgreSQL utilities
- postgres15 - PostgreSQL server, v15
- printing - Print Services
- python-developer - Software needed to build and package python modules
- python312 - Python 3.12 [*]
- qemu - QEMU machine emulator
- qt5-apps - Applications for QT5
- qt5-base - Qt base, version 5
- qt5-extras - Extra applications for QT5
- qt6-base - Qt base, version 6
- r - The R statistical package
- retro-desktop-extras - Extra Desktop Environments and Utilities
- retro-desktop-games - Desktop Games
- retro-desktop - Retro Desktop environments and utilities [*]
- retro-web - Retro internet clients
- rsyslog - RSYSLOG
- s3-utilities - Utilities for AWS and S3
- samba - Samba server
- san-support - SAN support packages [*]
- scala - Scala
- scikit-image - scikit-image, Image processing in Python
- scikit-learn - scikit-learn, Machine Learning in Python
- scipy - Scipy and numpy
- security - Security tools
- server-manage - Server Management Utilities [*]
- server - Basic Server [*]
- sphinx - Sphinx
- storage-nas - Network Attached Storage
- storage-server - Multi Protocol Storage Server
- tcl-tk - Tcl/Tk [*]
- tilde - Tilde editor [*]
- tls - TLS and required libraries [*]
- tomcat10 - Tomcat 10 servlet container
- tomcat9 - Tomcat 9 servlet container
- tribblix-tools - Tribblix stats and monitoring [*]
- tuxpaint - Tux Paint
- usb-network-drivers - USB Network Drivers [*]
- uxplay - UxPlay iPad mirroring
- vlc - VLC media player
- webdev - Some web development utilities
- website-generators - Some static website generators
- wfuzz - Wfuzz - The Web Fuzzer
- wifi - WiFi support [*]
- wine - Wine - Run Windows Applications
- x11-extras - Extra X11 packages
- x11-fonts - Extra X11 fonts
- x11 - Base X11 packages [*]
- xfce-extras - Extra Utilities for Xfce
- xfce - The Xfce Desktop [*]
- zabbix-server - Zabbix server